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Vent/BM backed out but trying to be excited for her

So I got a call at about 8 pm last night from one of my oldest friends.  I had already asked her to be a BM, and kind of always knew there was a possibility she would have to back out.  Since we were 5 years old we've been friends, and I can't think of a time where she didn't want to be in the Navy (an honor to her grandfather).  Well when we hit college, she got into the Naval Academy, and got stationed in Mississippi after graduation.  She accepted my offer to stand up with me, and neither of us really said anything about a possible deployment.  Well last night she called and said she will be deployed early next year through late 2016.  I am so excited for her living out her dreams and she sounded so excited to have an adventure.  I just can't  help but be sad that she won't be there with me.

I know that it would be selfish to be upset with her, and I assure you I am not. I just needed to vent to others going through the process that would understand.  Funnies and thoughts appreciated.

Re: Vent/BM backed out but trying to be excited for her

  • Hugs to you and wishes to her for a safe return


    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Ah, it's a tough situation. You can be disppointed because it is something you both were excited about and be happy for her at the same time! I hope she has a smooth deployment and safe return.

  • I went through a somewhat similar situation: a friend of mine had to drop out of the wedding party pretty late in the game because she could no longer come to the wedding. I won't get into details for a few reasons, but I was really bummed out. The best and really only advice I can give you, since you're already handling it very well, is that it won't sting so much after the wedding is over.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • Thanks for the kind thoughts guys.  I am trying hard and it took so much not to cry on the phone last night to not make her feel bad at all.  I really just needed to get it out this morning.
  • Don't feel bad for feeling sad! It's really disappointing when this happens, and it's not something you can really "get used to" because you're not planning to have more weddings in the future.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • We lost a GM to deployment as well. It stinks that you can't share such a big moment in your life with someone who is super important to you and there's lots of worries/anxiety that they'll come back safe, but you will hopefully get to share lots of pictures and videos with your friend when she returns.

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