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Morning! Who else is around today?

I think my coffee is broken. It's not working.


Re: Tuesday

  • @Swazzle - defective coffee gives false hopes - no fun!!

    I'm here, but on vacation; just popping in.  No plans for today.

  • @Dignity100 - I'm jealous that you're on vacation! I have to work until 2 tomorrow and then I have off on Friday. I wish I could have taken the whole week! 

  • I'm taking a half day today as long as it doesn't get to busy here.

    DH is home from hunting so he is running a bunch of errands for him this morning. After work I need to run to the grocery store to get things for tomorrow to make for our dinner.

    I'll be working out like a crazy person so I can eat all the things the rest of the week.
  • @Swazzle - We haven't done much of anything (which is good).  Yesterday we had 'shady neighborhood afternoon' - we went to a burrito place for lunch (kind of like a mom n' pop chipotle only much better) and then I went to buy the perogies for Christmas eve from the "old Polish ladies".  The neighborhoods are 'trendy by day; lots of petty crime by night' if that makes sense.  Other than that we watched 'The Amazing Spiderman' and played video games.  Had to 'test' the perogies so we had some for dinner and just bummed around the house.

    I'm always jealous of your vacations - you do lots of fun things!!

  • H is off for the rest of the week, but I have to be here today and tomorrow.  boo!!!
  • I'm here "teaching" at school. Today is the last day before break. We are watching movies all day and then there's a holiday concert at the end of the day. Thankfully the kids aren't super hyper today. 

    @swazzle I hope your coffee kicks in soon!
  • I'm clocking hours today - funding opportunities to distribute to profs and papers don't review themselves.
  • @southernpeach89 - Lucky! What are you making tomorrow night?

    @500days - What movies are you watching? 

  • @Swazzle -I'm cooking with my mom and she is making the schnitzel and spaetzle and I'll make some deviled eggs, fruit salad, and probably help with the other veggie sides.
  • @swazzle- We read The Lightning Thief in English this year, so we're watching that movie first. Kid's choice after that. The day is moving so slow right now- can't believe it's only 9am :(
  • I'm at work...all day. I think a girlfriend and I are going to meet up for manicures over lunch, so that will be fun. H ended up with the day off because the doc he works for has a ton of surgeries today (everyone trying to get them in before the end of the year since they've met their deductables), so he's not in the office. Since he's off, i'm putting him to work picking up the ham, cleaning the house and wrapping stocking stuffers! So nice to have half my list crossed off while i'm at work!

    I can hardly wait for tomorrow. We are renting a cabin in the mountains with H's family and I can't wait to get there and settle in. It's going to be great getting to spend our niece's first christmas together!

  • I'm here working today. Thankfully I'm off Wed-Fri, so I just have to get through today. I have SO much to do before we leave for GA tomorrow. Between laundry, packing, cleaning, wrapping I'll be up all night. I'm kind of crossing my fingers for an early day today.

    @allusive007 - Nice! H is thinking he might be out early today too, and if he is, I'm getting him started on the above mentioned list!

    @southernpeach89 - That sounds lovely. Save me some?

    @500days - I can't believe there's a place where kids are in school this week? I thought everyone's last day was Friday! I hope they stay un-crazed for you.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • image
    Good morning everyone!!

    I'm at work today, off tomorrow and Thursday, then back to work Friday.  There's no one here today and Friday is going to be even less people.  Soooo I'm not getting anything meaningful done this week. 

    @dignity100 sounds like you're having a perfect relaxing week at home!

    @swazzle I think my coffee is broken too, or I'm just really bored.
  • I have to work today and have to work until about 2 tomorrow.  I'm working on stuff today that is way too taxing for my brain this close to Xmas.  I can at least hope it will make the day go by fast. I'm so tired I just want to sleep.  If I drank coffee mine would be broken too.  At least I have off on Friday and no weekend plans and I don't have to be at the theater until next Monday. 

    I still haven't wrapped any of my gifts yet. I need to do that. H made chili while I was at rehearsal last night, the whole house smelt like chili yum! I can't wait to have some for dinner.  I also have to bottle homemade limoncello I am giving to my co-workers as gifts tonight.  I feel like getting to bed early tonight is just not going to happen at all........


  • @Ollie08‌ drive safe to Georgia!!! Hope you have a wonderful trip!
    @Swazzle‌ my coffee is defective this morning too.

    I will be stuck in the office today, tomorrow and Friday... I used all my vacation time so I'm stuck working.

    My best friend is coming into town tonight so I'm hoping to see her for a bit. Otherwise I'm not doing a darn thing. Everything is wrapped, C and the kids will go up to his mom's tomorrow night while i stay at home to go to my grandparents on Thursday. ( swazzle you should've told me grand units bothered you.... I use it all the time and never knew it irked anyone).

    On a sidenote, C's son told me yesterday that we need to unite the families...that i shouldn't be spending Christmas with my grandparents by myself, that we should all be together. I thought it was very sweet.
  • @ollie08- OMG I am so bored! Here in RI almost all school districts are going until the 23rd. I guess it's so we can get out a little early this year. No snow days yet too. But honestly, the kids are not in the mindframe to learn anything the last two days. I should have brought my gifts in to wrap...because you know, I still have to do that!

  • @speakeasy14 - I TOTALLY want the polar bear cub for Christmas!!!  He'll stay small like that forever, right??  :)

  • @dignity100 hahaha I don't think so, but I think the stuffed animal is close enough :)
  • @Ollie08 -Yes of course, since you will be in my neck of the woods and all!
  • Morning, all!  I'm here today and tomorrow.  Hoping to leave early tomorrow though as we celebrate on Christmas Eve with my family.  I'm so looking forward to it!!!
  • Hi all! I'm at work today but it's my last day until January 5, so I can't complain :) All my wrapping is done, but tonight I need to clean up the kitchen (clean dishes are EVERYWHERE) and pack for our trip to Richmond. I need to get all the presents into a few boxes so they are easier to transport. I need to make sure I have all of the dogs stuff. I keep setting myself reminders of things not to forget (checkbooks, DSLR camera)!

    @southernpeach89 - you had me an schnitzel and spaetzle :)
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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

  • @IrishDreamer - Thanks! I just checked the forecast and it's supposed to be rainy/storming all day tomorrow. The roads are going to SUCK. I'll make sure to pack lots of snacks and shit to do. At least we're not driving the littles. They're going up with their dad lol sucks to be him!

    @500days - That's just not right! How much earlier are you going to get out? I just think some things are NOT worth it. Like having school until the 23rd. LAME.

    @southernpeach89 - I KNOW RIGHT?! I'm hoping to find out today what days/times I'll be seeing the girls in GA, and maybe we can sneak in a g2g!

    @TwoDimes - H lost in both of his leagues. He wound up with 2nd and still had a small payout. Not the $200 he would've gotten like @cu97tiger, but I think 2nd was $75, so it paid for his entry fees and gave him a few extra dollars to spend.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • @TwoDimes - Oh man! What a sticky situation. I didn't decide whether or not I was changing my name for 2.5 months after we were married! You could always err on the side of caution and say your maiden name since that's what you were when you won it. But jokingly add that when you win next year you'll use your married name.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • Ollie08 said:
    @TwoDimes - Oh man! What a sticky situation. I didn't decide whether or not I was changing my name for 2.5 months after we were married! You could always err on the side of caution and say your maiden name since that's what you were when you won it. But jokingly add that when you win next year you'll use your married name.
    Ollie FTW!
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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

  • @Ollie08 -UM! Yes definitely! Let me know as soon as you find out!! 
  • @Swazzle - Broken coffee is THE WORST. That's when I normally switch to sugar.

    @Dignity100 - I loooooooooove pierogies!

    @allusive007 - That sounds like my dream Christmas. A cabin? How freakin cool!

    @Peaseblossom55 - How do you make homemade limoncello? My mom won't shut up about that drink since she tried it on a cruise to Alaska this year, haha.

    @IrishDreamer - Awwwww, that IS such a sweet thing for his son to say!

    @TwoDimes - YAY PUPPY!!! And congrats to you and @cu97tiger! Winner winners chicken dinners!


    If anyone on here has thought "Hey, I should rent that new Godzilla movie," change your mind. What a waste of an evening.

    I still have more presents to wrap (all the oddly shaped ones that I have no idea what to do with). Looks like I'm gonna go buy more gift bags at lunch!

    I get off at noon tomorrow and then am off until monday. So between now and noon tomorrow I will probably accomplish nothing work related.

  • @TwoDimes & @cu97tiger - Thanks! I haz brains today.

    @Southernpeach89 - I will!

    @AlPacina - Thanks for the heads up on Godzilla... I'm not really sure I ever thought of watching it, but sometimes desperate times call for desperate movie choices, and I'll be sure to rent something which will likely end up equally as shitty. Also, I hate odd shaped gifts. I might be heading to the Dollar Tree later to see what boxes and bags they have.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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