I asked FMIL if she had a song in mind for the mother/son dance. She's mentioned the dance more than once, so I knew it was something she had probably put some thought into. She quickly responded with her song choice, but then hit me with this...
She brought up the song she would like to use for her special dance with her husband. I bean dipped around the question and told FI about it later. Is this a thing? I have never heard of this. FI has never heard of it and also thought it would be incredibly uncomfortable. Both of his parents are remarried and neither get along with the other's new spouse. He brought up that if we gave one set of his parents a special dance, we would need to offer his other set of parents a special dance (my father has not remarried/mother not attending).
She seems to have her heart set on doing this dance with her husband, but it was really not something we were planning on doing. Do we let her have her dance?