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kmbay84kmbay84 member
100 Love Its 100 Comments Second Anniversary Name Dropper
edited December 2014 in Chit Chat

Re: Prices

  • kmbay84 said:

    Hi Knotties,

    Is the bride and groom supposed to cover the costs of rental cars for the wedding party if they fly in from out of state?  We are covering bridesmaid dresses, the rehearsal dinner, chipping in for hair, and pretty much all the food for when they are here.  If a bridesmaid asked me to cover their rental car cost, am I supposed to?  We are stretched thin as it is and don't have it in our budget to do so.  I am already over the wedding planning stuff.

    Thanks knotties!

    Lordy, I wouldn't think so!

    I'm the fuck

  • Thanks @beethery!  We could totally just pick them up from the airport too!  That makes me feel better though!  Thank you!
  • kmbay84 said:
    Thanks beethery!  We could totally just pick them up from the airport too!  That makes me feel better though!  Thank you!
    S'all good sweetheart. They can arrange their own transportation and if you guys offer to pick them up at the airport that is VERY kind. Sounds like you're doing the most for them, and I hope they appreciate it.

    I'm the fuck

  • Thank you so much @beethery! Haha, I am trying because I know it's not the cheapest thing in the world :)  It's so nice to hear encouraging and supportive words, thank you!
  • Hell no.
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • Phew, thank you ladies!  I have always been a people-pleaser so I am sorry in advance for questions such as these!  You ladies are great! :)
  • I wanna be your bridesmaid.

    Hell no, you've already paid for more than enough.

  • Aww...thank you @lolo883!  That means a lot. :)  I would have loved to have been your bridesmaid too. :)

    That is what I am thinking.  Thank you! :)
  • It's sounds like you have truly tried to go above and beyond for your bridal party which is so nice. No, you definitely don't need to cover the rental car. :)

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • My jaw is on the floor that one of your friends asked you to cover the cost of her rental car. WhatTHEFUCK is wrong with people?


  • Wait, so you are covering their dresses and hair and food and they want you to pick up the tab for a rental car too?! And they asked you to cover it? Wtf.

  • kmbay84kmbay84 member
    100 Love Its 100 Comments Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited December 2014

    Thanks ladies!  To be fair, the others keep insisting that I don't need to pay for their bridesmaid dresses and they don't want me to.  I keep insisting that I know that I don't have to, but I do want to show my appreciation for them and lighten the cost somewhat.  Thank you ladies for having my back though!  It's nice to hear such affirming words!

    You all are awesome :)

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