My fiance's best friend and the guy he wanted to be his best man if he ever got married (who I never met in high school), is privy to information about me over the course of fiance and I's friendship and relationship, and had formed a negative opinion about me long before meeting me. I naively thought it might change once he got to know me, and was eventually under the impression that it had. However, he has recently made his disapproval of our engagement and dislike of me very clear. I told my fiance I was no longer comfortable with him being a part of the wedding as his best man as he was not even happy for his sake, but that it was ultimately up to him. However, in light of more recent interactions (including him actively trying to convince my fiance to break up with me), I can't say I really want him at the wedding at all. I don't trust him to be civil and thinking about him at all makes me feel angry and sick. There's still well over a year before the wedding, so the situation might improve before then, but if it doesn't, or if it gets worse, do I have to invite him? If he isn't invited then he's sure to make it look like I'm a crazy, manipulative b-- trying to separate my fiance from his friends, and I'll feel like I'm being selfish for not wanting him there when it might make my fiance happier. If he is invited and declines, then my fiance's feelings will be hurt. If he is invited and comes, I'm going to be annoyed. I want to be bigger than the problem and just invite him then ignore him if he does show, but it's hard to be happy when you're hated by someone that close to the person you're marrying... (sorry for the length)