First time poster here... Hi Ladies! My lovely and wonderful bridesmaids are throwing us an engagement party. They created a really nice looking e-vite that is now sent to all the guests - problem is, when you click on the link in your email invitation (as a guest) there is a button underneath the text (so, first comes the card, that has text on it, then some text underneath, i feel like i am not explaining it well...bear with me), and then there is a button (auto generated by evite) that says "find registry" and if you click on it you can search by name, and indeed it does link to our registry if you type in our names. I am kind of mortified that it makes us look like we are expecting gifts for the engagement party - is that so? What should we do ? It seems like there is no way to change e-vite settings to remove it. Should the host somehow mention it in the text ("please ignore button, its from evite not us..." ) or does that only make matters worse? Thanks! And Happy New Year!
- The stars, like dust, encircle me in living mists of light. And all of space I seem to see in one vast burst of sight.