I didn't really have a problem acne until fairly recently. Usually whatever little pimples I get will go away in a day if I wash my face and moisturize, but now a really big one has appeared on my cheek near my nose and nothing I do makes it any better! I've tried nearly everything that I knew to do that usually got rid of acne, I tried looking up and trying other things but nothing seems to make the whopper go away!
I don't know how this guy landed on my face but I have a couple of guesses:
1) I found out that where it's located is connected to the sinuses and acne can sometimes breakout with allergies. I have asthma and had been prescribed new medication 3 weeks ago right before it appeared, one of which is a fairly strong nasal spray. Ceasing use of my medication is not an option as without it I can have some pretty severe problems.
2) Maybe it's my diet. I eat fairly well without only the occasional fast food but the food we had over the holidays was greasy. I had the damn pimple before that but the greasy food probably didn't help it.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to get rid of stubborn acne?