October 2014 Weddings

Happy 2015 Everybody!!

Dignity100Dignity100 member
2500 Comments First Anniversary 500 Love Its Name Dropper
edited January 2015 in October 2014 Weddings
Any big plans for the 2015 year for all the Oct 2014 brides??


Re: Happy 2015 Everybody!!

  • In 2015 I'm looking forward to/planning:
    Hopefully we'll go on several Disney Vacations (we have the annual passes, so it feels like 1/2 the trips are already paid for).
    Getting health (losing a few weight and just improving overall general health)
    Saving for and buying/building a new house
    Maybe start TTC later in the year.

  • Happy New Year!!!  Don't forget to add that you'll be celebrating your one year anniversary this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Are you planning to go to Disney for your anniversary?

    We are looking at houses online and saving to buy in the spring/early summer.
    We are currently TTC. 
    That is about all we want to plan...it's a lot of big stuff all in a short period of time so soon after the wedding so that's plenty to focus on.  
  • I'm kind of thinking that DH Xmas present next year will be me going off BC! But I have plenty of time to consider it.

    As for firm 2015 plans: my birthday is in a few weeks and we are going to Vegas! For DH's bday in April he has a tradition of going to Napa and I'm so excited for that! I'd also like to look into doing a cruise towards the end of the year (Sept-ish, so an early anniversary thing).
  • The only thing we have planned in a 10 day trip around Ireland in May. DH 40th is at the beginning of Oct and our 1 year anniversary is Oct 31 so there may be a weekend trip around then.

    We aren't having kids. At the moment we have no plans to buy a house but DH is still tied in to the house he owned with his ex-wife. Im still saving in case that changes :) October 2016 we are also looking to visit family in Canada.

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  • @Pepperally - We are hoping to go to Disney either end of Sept/early Oct as our anniversary trip (it'll be early, but hopefully less crowds and we don't want the annual pass to expire in the middle of our trip).

  • We are planning to buy a house in March/April. We'll start looking in a few weeks! 
    I have two trips this summer for friend's weddings- one in Seattle and one in Wisconsin. 
    That's pretty much all we have planned. We'll be using all our vacation time for those trips, so I'm not sure if we'll be able to do anything big for our 1 year anniversary :( Might just have to get creative and do something close to home. 
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  • 2015 Yay!!

    Were moving to Texas this year sorta excited.  Hopefully we can rent out our house that we live in now.  As for buying another house.  Maybe we will wait a while.  I can't see buying another one.  Besides 2 house payments (ugh) I'm enjoying just hubby and me no plans for the next year to have little ones running around.  A plan to go to OH to visit H's g-ma for her birthday and plans to go visit my g-ma in texas still 8 hours away.. man that state is huge.  As for anniversary.  We will see it's sorta depending on H's job but I'm hopefull that we can go to Alaska :) Next Christmas were staying home and just chilling! It will be Bliss!!


  • cherryblossoms21
    Welcome to Texas! I've lived in Texas for about 12 years. I have mixed emotions about it... people here are super friendly but the landscape/climate is not my favorite. I hope you like it!
    Howdy! (I don't actually use that word...)
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