I had my hair and makeup preview yesterday. It went well and I really liked the makeup so no complaints there. The thing that I'm not sure about is the hair. I like the curls well enough but I think that they may be a little too curly (I normally have very straight hair). The MUA told me that it would not be a problem to do the same but with looser curls and after wearing it all day yesterday, I thought it looked better at the end of the night when the curls had loosened up.
My FMIL and FI saw it and my MOH and mother saw pictures. My mom and FMIL both really liked the curls as they are, both of them commenting that it reminds them of the glamorous movie stars back in the day. My FI and MOH said they like it but think the curls should be a little looser, partly because I look like a completely different person because of the hair (the makeup is very natural).
I'm happy with my MUA and will definitely be sticking with her. I just want to get some other opinions on the hair before I tell her I'd like the curls to be looser. What do you guys think?