Knottie Tech Help

website security

I am having trouble making my site secure. I have password protected it and locked everything down for that password but my fiancee had tried to look at it now as a guest and there it's no prompt for a password? We need this website secured from his ex- wife who has been trying to find info about him online. We don't want any surprise guests on our day. What am I doing wrong?

Re: website security

  • Hi There,

    I just took a look at your site and it looks like the password protecting is correct. Unfortunately your names and dates will always appear on the site even with it being password protected.

    Please let me know if you have anymore questions.

  • How do guests look at the content on the pages though..... where do they put in the password? There is no prompt for it. I want people to see it just not the one person. Thanks for the help
  • Fiance figured out the problem...... didn't have boxes checked that should have been..... thanks
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