Registry and Gift Forum

Dear Bride Who Registered for Clothes and Jewelry

Dear Bride Who Registered for Clothes and Jewelry, 

I do not know you, but I was in line at Anthro behind a friend of yours who was looking for info on your registry. She (and everyone within hearing distance) was pretty shocked and appalled that you used your wedding to register for jewelry and clothes. 

I have to be honest, my jaw was on the floor and as I was picking it up I couldn't help but ask if the fellow customer knew you. She said she knew you quite well. She also said she was now embarrassed that she knows you.  

When you register like a dumbass you embarrass not only yourself, but your friends. 


Re: Dear Bride Who Registered for Clothes and Jewelry

  • 100% fuck no


     fka dallasbetch 


    Lilypie Maternity tickers

  • Oh, fuck all kinds of duck

  • A purely hypothetical question here, what if she was in a same-sex relationship and her partner was the same size as her? Would this have been okay since they both would have gotten use out of it?

    Different note, can you imagine her complaining when no one buys off that registry? "OMG, I can't believe none of my friends or family brought anything!!!! They clearly care nothing about me!!!!!! WAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!"
  • A purely hypothetical question here, what if she was in a same-sex relationship and her partner was the same size as her? Would this have been okay since they both would have gotten use out of it?

    Different note, can you imagine her complaining when no one buys off that registry? "OMG, I can't believe none of my friends or family brought anything!!!! They clearly care nothing about me!!!!!! WAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!"

    I wondered this, too
  • A purely hypothetical question here, what if she was in a same-sex relationship and her partner was the same size as her? Would this have been okay since they both would have gotten use out of it? Still not okay

    Different note, can you imagine her complaining when no one buys off that registry? "OMG, I can't believe none of my friends or family brought anything!!!! They clearly care nothing about me!!!!!! WAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!"
    Just, wow.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • A purely hypothetical question here, what if she was in a same-sex relationship and her partner was the same size as her? Would this have been okay since they both would have gotten use out of it?

    Different note, can you imagine her complaining when no one buys off that registry? "OMG, I can't believe none of my friends or family brought anything!!!! They clearly care nothing about me!!!!!! WAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!"
    I know of plenty of boys that would fit into the girls jeans and DO wear the girl jeans from Anthro/Forever 21/Rue Whatever/All those stupid stores that smell AWFUL. 

    It's still a no-no.

  • dcbride86 said:

    A purely hypothetical question here, what if she was in a same-sex relationship and her partner was the same size as her? Would this have been okay since they both would have gotten use out of it?

    Different note, can you imagine her complaining when no one buys off that registry? "OMG, I can't believe none of my friends or family brought anything!!!! They clearly care nothing about me!!!!!! WAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!"

    I wondered this, too

    Nope. Not what wedding registries are for.


     fka dallasbetch 


    Lilypie Maternity tickers

  • What if she wanted to wear them on the HM? HA! KIDDING!

    I can't even...

  • Any chance the bride had bought them herself but scanned get registry to get the points towards bonuses or completion prizes?

    I didn't think stores let you put clothes or jewelry on didn't bc of the completion discount, it wasn't good on non homegoods
    :kiss: ~xoxo~ :kiss:

  • Any chance the bride had bought them herself but scanned get registry to get the points towards bonuses or completion prizes? I didn't think stores let you put clothes or jewelry on didn't bc of the completion discount, it wasn't good on non homegoods
    Per Anthro FAQs they currently do not offer a completion discount and will let you add anything they sell to your registry. It sounded to me like the items the store clerk was showing this friend of the bride had not been purchased yet. 
  • Ditto @photokitty.   An Anthro registry??   REALLY??    I suppose that works if you're having a hipster wedding that costs $100 K but that is really designed to look like it was only $2 K.   Blech! 
  • badbnagdwaybadbnagdway member
    1000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited January 2015
    banana468 said:
    Ditto @photokitty.   An Anthro registry??   REALLY??    I suppose that works if you're having a hipster wedding that costs $100 K but that is really designed to look like it was only $2 K.   Blech! 
    We only recently got an Anthro in town. I am super fascinated by it. To steal from a friend, they have some items that are a little over-priced but are truly unique. Then they have stuff that costs anywhere from $30 - $300 and looks like a 4 year old made it out of what they found in the trash. 

    Edit: This link to the crazy, seizure inducing teapot may or may not work:
  • banana468 said:
    Ditto @photokitty.   An Anthro registry??   REALLY??    I suppose that works if you're having a hipster wedding that costs $100 K but that is really designed to look like it was only $2 K.   Blech! 
    We only recently got an Anthro in town. I am super fascinated by it. To steal from a friend, they have some items that are a little over-priced but are truly unique. Then they have stuff that costs anywhere from $30 - $300 and looks like a 4 year old made it out of what they found in the trash. 

    Edit: This link to the crazy, seizure inducing teapot may or may not work:
    How does a chain store sell items that are Truly Unique.  Unique means "one of a kind".  Do they really sell unique items?
  • adk19 said:
    banana468 said:
    Ditto @photokitty.   An Anthro registry??   REALLY??    I suppose that works if you're having a hipster wedding that costs $100 K but that is really designed to look like it was only $2 K.   Blech! 
    We only recently got an Anthro in town. I am super fascinated by it. To steal from a friend, they have some items that are a little over-priced but are truly unique. Then they have stuff that costs anywhere from $30 - $300 and looks like a 4 year old made it out of what they found in the trash. 

    Edit: This link to the crazy, seizure inducing teapot may or may not work:
    How does a chain store sell items that are Truly Unique.  Unique means "one of a kind".  Do they really sell unique items?
    Weirdly, yes. Or at least they are allegedly one of a kind. Those pieces are usually by artists. Just for example: 

  • adk19 said:
    banana468 said:
    Ditto @photokitty.   An Anthro registry??   REALLY??    I suppose that works if you're having a hipster wedding that costs $100 K but that is really designed to look like it was only $2 K.   Blech! 
    We only recently got an Anthro in town. I am super fascinated by it. To steal from a friend, they have some items that are a little over-priced but are truly unique. Then they have stuff that costs anywhere from $30 - $300 and looks like a 4 year old made it out of what they found in the trash. 

    Edit: This link to the crazy, seizure inducing teapot may or may not work:
    How does a chain store sell items that are Truly Unique.  Unique means "one of a kind".  Do they really sell unique items?
    Weirdly, yes. Or at least they are allegedly one of a kind. Those pieces are usually by artists. Just for example: 

    Nice!  And I can register for these two items at $2,500 and $6,200 respectively?  Good to know.
  • adk19 said:
    adk19 said:
    banana468 said:
    Ditto @photokitty.   An Anthro registry??   REALLY??    I suppose that works if you're having a hipster wedding that costs $100 K but that is really designed to look like it was only $2 K.   Blech! 
    We only recently got an Anthro in town. I am super fascinated by it. To steal from a friend, they have some items that are a little over-priced but are truly unique. Then they have stuff that costs anywhere from $30 - $300 and looks like a 4 year old made it out of what they found in the trash. 

    Edit: This link to the crazy, seizure inducing teapot may or may not work:
    How does a chain store sell items that are Truly Unique.  Unique means "one of a kind".  Do they really sell unique items?
    Weirdly, yes. Or at least they are allegedly one of a kind. Those pieces are usually by artists. Just for example: 

    Nice!  And I can register for these two items at $2,500 and $6,200 respectively?  Good to know.
    Obviously they are worth every penny. 

    Weirdest store ever. 
  • edited February 2015
    FMIL said that one of DF's friends did this! Their Target wedding registry had clothes for her and like curling irons and hair products and stuff on it.

    I suspect that she put that stuff on to see if she could use the completion discount on it.

    I really want a nice electric toothbrush, but DF doesn't, and I feel bad registering for just one (rather than the set of two for both of us) so I didn't even think about putting it on.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • FMIL said that one of DF's friends did this! Their Target wedding registry had clothes for her and like curling irons and hair products and stuff on it.

    I suspect that she put that stuff on to see if she could use the completion discount on it.

    I really want a nice electric toothbrush, but DF doesn't, and I feel bad registering for just one (rather than the set of two for both of us) so I didn't even think about putting it on.
    But most electric toothbrushes come with interchangable heads.  Mine also has refills that come with different colored bands so you know that yours is red and his is green.  I say you can register for an electric toothbrush like this.  Because he might change his mind, then you can give him a brushhead with a blue band.
  • A friend of a friend once "registered" for a designer handbag by asking that all of her bridal shower attendees chip in to buy it for her, rather than buy her things off of their registry. I wish I was kidding...
  • A friend of a friend once "registered" for a designer handbag by asking that all of her bridal shower attendees chip in to buy it for her, rather than buy her things off of their registry. I wish I was kidding...

    That is horrific. How does someone make it through a day w/such atrocious manners?!
  • THIS is insane! I hate asking for things, I'm even having trouble coming to terms with registering at all (and we are talking towels here..). What makes anyone think they are entitled to this kind of thing!?

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Ppds: pretty princess day syndrome. It's an epidemic. "It's all about me!" "It's myyyy day!" "I deserve!" I caught it momentarily, but the knot vaccinated me.
  • OK, I felt a little guilty registering for a lighted magnifying mirror for the bathroom. But this, this is insane.

    *side note, hubby uses the magnifying mirror as well for the random stray and ingrown hairs on his face. Also, I kinda put it on there knowing that most likely nobody would purchase it, and we can use the completion discount on it to get a nice one instead of a $10 one from TJ Maxx that doesn't magnify well or light up.*
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