So my fiancé is a stroke survivor, and is still in the recovering phase. We are not sure if he will be going back to work this year yet or not. We have a tentative date set for June 4, 2016, but if he is unable to go back this year we have to move the wedding up. And to keep the same date, it would fall on a Thursday, which means that the ceremony would be a very small ceremony. But question is, say we have to get married this year (for insurance reasons), but our guests are not able to make it to the ceremony, would it be wrong to say hold a vow renewal in a year so that you we can have the renewal ceremony and reception then for everyone? Majority of our guest are not local.
I think I saw somewhere that it would be wrong, but wasn't sure how to handle this as we are not sure yet. And if we have it this year it will definitely affect our budget.