Not Engaged Yet

So impatient!

I've been lurking on the boards for a while but this is my first post.  BF and I have been talking about getting married for over a year and we even visited a jeweler to design the engagement ring back in November.  We've talked about size of the wedding, budgets and have even agreed on a favorite venue...but the official proposal and ring isn't here yet and its driving me nuts.  Last week we started talking about a venue we both like and possible dates and he said if this is definitely what I want we can put a deposit down, but I just don't feel great about making that step before the official proposal.  We have been together for over five years (admittedly with some breaks several years ago) and we are somewhat older than the average first wedding couple - I'll be 40 this year.  

How do I find a little more patience to see me through until he finally proposes?  Am I being silly to refuse to book the date before then?  
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Re: So impatient!

  • No, it's not silly to refuse to book the venue before being engaged, in fact it's encouraged. The next time HE brings it up in conversation, just tell him you would prefer to wait until you're engaged since that's putting the cart before the horse.

    As for what to do to pass the time? Focus on a hobby, or get a new one. Read books, take a class, join a club. Basically just make yourself so busy with other things that you don't have time to think about it.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • I would wait on putting a deposit down on a venue, unless you want to be engaged without a ring.  Because once you've agreed on a date and put a deposit on a venue, that's exactly what you'll become.

  • I know you are both right.  Thank you for listening. :-)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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