Hi everyone,
I'm getting married in a few months and my mother and stepmother-in-law are co-hosting my shower together. My mom is the one buying and sending the invitations. I was over her house the other day and was peeking at my stepmother-in-laws guest list. I was shocked to see a ton of people I don't know well at all. There are a few friends of my stepmother and father-in-law, and distance relatives (like second cousins). I had to really stop and think about who some of these people were.
I'm uncomforable accepting gifts from people I have not seen in ages/don't have a close relationship with. Should I say something to my stepmother-in-law? I don't want to seem rude or ungrateful, but I can't recall the last time I saw some of these people. My FI is from a great big Italian family and I know that it's common to invite all the relatives so people's feeling don't get hurt. But, I just feel funny about it because I don't want it to seem like a gift grab.
Do I say something or just pretend like I didn't see the list?