This thing is messed up. Or at least difficult to figure out. There doesn't seem to be a straightforward way to enter a budget, keep that budget steady, and then enter actual payments. Even on the "my budget" tab, the only place to enter is in a column called "actual." And then, when you go to "payment tracker", you better not try entering anything in the "actual" column, or it will completely change your budget. For example, if I enter $1,000 in the "my budget" tab, then go over to "payment tracker" and enter $900, then my budget changes to $900. Not only that, but the little summary at the top shows my budget as $0.
AM I MISSING SOMETHING?!?! I read several comments from people who had trouble with this in the past. I think I'll do like many of them did and just create an Excel spreadsheet. Budgets shouldn't be this tricky.