October 2015 Weddings

Timing of Sunday weddings

If your wedding is on a Sunday, what does your timeline look like? I wanted to do 2-8, but FI wants it to be later than that. I fear that 8 pm is already pretty late for a Sunday wedding, but he says he's been to Sunday weddings that were later than that. I'm also keeping in mind that our wedding is going to be a 2hr drive for some of our family, and those who won't be staying in a hotel will have a late night if they don't want to leave early. Suggestions?

Re: Timing of Sunday weddings

  • I agree with the 2-8 timeline for a Sunday wedding. People will have to work the next day or get their kids up for school, etc. Good luck!
  • Thanks @rox2112‌ ! Guess I just have to convince FI that the timing will be better this way... he thinks that it'll be less of a "party" if we end earlier, but I think it'll be super fun, no matter the timing! Truth be told, we're both in bed by 9 pm on most days anyway, so I don't even think we'd be able to last until 10 on our wedding night! lol
  • As long as there are makings of a party, a party will be had. People will appreciate your consideration of their time on your special day. :)
  • I'm Sunday, 10/11 and we're doing brunch (11:30-4:30). We are prepared mentally for the fact that a decent number may be leaving at 1:30 to make it home to prep for work / school the next day.

    I would go to your wedding but I'd probably be leaving right after dinner so I had time to relax that night.

    I agree that 8pm is already late enough for a Sunday.

    Good luck!
  • I scheduled my wedding for 3:30 - 9pm on a Sunday and now I'm worried it's too late!  Maybe I can move it up... 
  • We are getting married on a Sunday. Initially we were doing a morning ceremony with a brunch, but I didn't want to feel frazzled or crazy on the day of the wedding, AND we changed venues, which changed everything. So we are doing a 4pm ceremony and partying until at least 9/9:30 at the venue, then we are going to an after party nearby until like 11. Even though it is on a Sunday, those who are in our wedding party are planning on taking the next day off and everyone is local enough who is invited that should they choose not to come to the after party they should be okay for the next day...which I suppose is a tad tiny bit selfish of me to assume, but I know people who will leave a little earlier if they feel they need to. So @knottie22347416 I think mine takes the cake for the late Sunday wedding. ;)
  • I guess so far I'm having it the latest... our reception is from 6:30 to 12:30am on a Sunday.
  • @maichkaa you're wedding is a party!! That sounds like a blast. =)
  • We're having ours on a Sunday 10 am-2 pm
  • I think 2-8 is perfect. Makes it not too late for family that is traveling and/or unable to take off work the next day. I'd just make sure your host hotel has a bar where everyone can go back to, because close friends and family will definitely want to have an after party with you guys :) That way, people who are staying over or took off from work can still hang out and have a good time, but the family who needs to get home won't be missing out on actual reception time. 
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