Knottie Tech Help

Website Issues with RSVP

Can anyone help me on the wedding website?  My guests are trying to RSVP on there, but it keeps throwing out an error message.

Re: Website Issues with RSVP

  • This is a known issue -- the tech board is full of posts just like yours :( looks like they're actively working on it but yeah, it doesn't work at all. No known workarounds either. Sorry! 

    (Can you tell I work in software? And no, I don't work for the Knot and can't help you. Just have seen a bunch of these posts and understand the frustration.)

  • Darn.  I'm not sure.  I'm going to try and put up a picture (a picture with wording via picmonkey) saying that there is an issue and to email me or RSVP to either me, my husband, or our mothers.  I think this is the only thing that I can really do. 
  • That sounds like a pretty good solution to me :) Hopefully they get it fixed soon.

  • Darn.  I'm not sure.  I'm going to try and put up a picture (a picture with wording via picmonkey) saying that there is an issue and to email me or RSVP to either me, my husband, or our mothers.  I think this is the only thing that I can really do. 
    I would maybe just have one email for the RSVPs to go to.  Three different people means some could get misplaced in spam folders or missed by sheer volume or normal day to day emails. 

  • Hi Everyone,

    I've just received word from tech that everything with the wedding websites and RSVP's should be fixed at this point. If you are still experiencing issues please contact our customer service number at 1.877.335.5252.

    If you have anymore questions, please let me know.

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