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Valentines' Day: Do you celebrate it?


Re: Valentines' Day: Do you celebrate it?

  • We like to go out to dinner either the day of or the day after. Since Valentine's Day falls on a Saturday I'm not sure I want to venture out since most places will probably be busy. We may do dinner Sunday night instead. We don't really do gifts though unless it's something small. 
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • We do celebrate. Not extravagantly, but we'll make each other a nice dinner and exchange cards. 

    I have to buy a new card, though. H came home last night with a card for me, that I had bought to give him on valentine's day. (No joke. Exact same card)
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I really hate vday so we don't do anything out of the norm. This year we might be doing something because my H's birthday is in early February and he is out of town for it, so vday weekend is the first opportunity we will have to celebrate it. But I hate the idea that we'll be out and people will think it's for vday. 
  • We don't do gifts, but we either go out to dinner or make it at home. Alcohol and lingerie are usually involved, which is why I prefer to make dinner at home (plus restaurants are crazy packed). 

  • My birthday is February 16, so we drive to our favourite hotel about 3 hours away on the weekend that falls closest to Valentines/my birthday and we spend the night in the jacuzzi, usually eating pizza.
  • Oh I totally forgot! This year I already scheduled a chocolate fruit bouquet to go to his office that Friday. He loves those things.

  • Every year varies.  I HATE going out to dinner on Valentine's Day. Restaurants always offer such a limited menu.  I would much rather go out the week before or a couple of weeks after Valentine's Day when the restaurants aren't so packed.
       I also hate flowers on Valentine's Day.  Normally, I love fresh cut flowers, but I like to be surprised with cheapo bouquets from the grocery story, just because.  Besides, flowers are so expensive on Valentine's Day, and they never last more than a couple of days.  There is so much demand for flowers, that florists sell overpriced garbage.  Every time FI gets me flowers on Valentine's Day I get irritated that he wasted $80 on the only thing that died quicker than my pet hamster, growing up.
       A sweet card and some chocolates, or a small gift is perfect for Valentine's Day.  I usually make a really nice dinner for H, and spend the entire day in the kitchen making his favorites. We watch a movie on the couch, and then fireworks in the bedroom, later.
  • We prefer to call it Chinese Take Out day. The first year FI and I were dating we knew all the dinner places in town would be packed out, so we decided to exchange gifts and order chinese, and it became a tradition. So now every year we order a fuckload of Chinese food -that I have to pick up on my way home from work and get judged by the Chinese guys working there thinking I'm a lonely girl eating her feelings on V-Day haha. 

    One year, FI got me a box of 18 chocolate covered strawberries and we may or may not have smoked an herbal plant that is not legal in all 50 states yet (especially the one I'm from) and ate the entire box of strawberries afterward. I swear to God those things were magical. My mouth is watering now thinking about them haha.

  • DH is about as romantic as a hangnail, so we've never done anything for Valentine's Day. DH has some event with one of the groups he volunteers with that day so I'll be here Knotting with @lyndausvi and a few bottles of wine.

  • We don't do much for Valentine's day. My SO's birthday is 2/15 so we usually just celebrate that instead. Sometimes we go to dinner and exchange cards and chocolate, nothing too outrageous though. This year we will probably go to dinner since it's on a Saturday.

    @ stefuhknee Your SO and I are BIRTHDAY TWINS!

    We're the same way--we'll acknowledge it, but in general we treat it as more of a birthday extension.

    ETA: at first I thought stefuhknee had the same birthday but fixed to reflect that it's her SO's. 
    Our first date was actually two days before V-day and then I found out his birthday was 2/15 and I knew that we'd probably never really celebrate since his birthday was the very next day. It's ok though, I don't  mind. Either way we get to enjoy some really good food somewhere and I'm all about the good food!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Not really. We usually make dinner together & sometimes H gets me a little something. Once he bought me flower seeds & we planted them together in the spring. I love that I get lilies every year instead of overpriced roses that die after a week!
  • scribe95 said:
    We do something very small - like dinner out. This year I told my husband I want only one thing - LIFE INSURANCE. He has been putzing around getting life insurance on himself (I have a small work policy). We built a house two years ago that I cannot handle by myself. So since then I have been super worried about what happens. 

    Also, this reminds me of my funny Valentine story. Like our second Vday he asked me what I wanted. I said I really enjoy nice chocolates. I told him specifically South Bend Chocolate Company and which items or this one other shop. I was specific because early in our relationship he said men don't take hints and not to play games with him. You know what I got? A bag of hershey kisses. Not freaking kidding.
    OH thanks for the reminder! I'm supposed to remind H to call about setting up his life insurance policy today so we can get our physicals scheduled.

  • FI usually sends me flowers (but not on the actual day - too much marked-up pricing for our frugal selves).  We're going out to dinner that night.  He's already got a card set up on the mantel for me.  I'll probably pick up a card for him and some candy for him and the kids this weekend. 

  • A few years ago, I had an UnValentine's Day dinner and invited my single friends, couple friends, and friends who couldn't be with their SOs that day. Lots of finger foods, soup shooters, and free-flowing booze attracted pretty much everyone and we had a great time. If the weather wasn't such a crapshoot this year, I'd host something like this again. Hmm... maybe next year since V-Day is on Sunday...

  • We get each other presents and go to dinner. I got him a new pair of snow pants and we're going to eat at Hanover Street Chop House this year.

    I'm the fuck

  • We usually go out to eat with couple friends. Table for 4 is or 6 is actually not to hard to get . 

    But this year is his baby sister's 21st birthday! I am so excited. I'm making one of those drunk barbie cakes, a goofy checklist of dares, glitter everywhere... Can't wait for V-Day!

  • scribe95 said:
    We do something very small - like dinner out. This year I told my husband I want only one thing - LIFE INSURANCE. He has been putzing around getting life insurance on himself (I have a small work policy). We built a house two years ago that I cannot handle by myself. So since then I have been super worried about what happens. 

    Also, this reminds me of my funny Valentine story. Like our second Vday he asked me what I wanted. I said I really enjoy nice chocolates. I told him specifically South Bend Chocolate Company and which items or this one other shop. I was specific because early in our relationship he said men don't take hints and not to play games with him. You know what I got? A bag of hershey kisses. Not freaking kidding.
    Hahaha, SO did something similar.  I told him that I didn't need to go out and face the nightmare crowds, but I did want to cuddle up and watch a movie with some chocolate.  He came home with no chocolate and a lollipop that looked like it came from a drugstore.  I looked at it and figured out in two seconds that he was re-gifting candy that his coworker had given to him.  I wasn't super upset or anything, but I was a little miffed that he couldn't even stop at TJ's and buy me a Toblerone bar.  I don't even like lollipops!

  • I don't like to stuff myself into an overworked restaurant, so we usually don't go out right on Valentine's day but the day before or after and then on the day I'll just make some steak or something. This year though a couple friend wants to get a group together so we're doing that. We don't exchange gifts for VDay
  • Our anniversary is 2/2, so by the time Valentine's Day rolls around, we're tired of celebrating our love.  :)
  • We usually do dinner and a movie. This year we are going to dinner with another couple that we are super close with, and probably go see a movie too. We don't usually go out much, so it will be nice. It's not a "OMG ITS VALENTINES DAY" night, though. We don't do cards, gifts, anything like that. Especially with our wedding coming up, we are trying not to be frivolous.

    FI is picking where we go to dinner though, so that will be a nice surprise. He is a major foodie so it never disappoints :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I won't even be home for valentines day this year.  But typically we don't really do anything special for Valentines day other then order pizza and watch bad tv.

  • KatWAG said:

    H and I always go on vacation for Valentines Day. Not because of valentines day but because its so close to President's day and we like to travel when we can get an "extra day" without using a vacation day. So we will just out to a fun dinner. Never any gifts.

    This year will be different since we will be traveling with a baby. I think our restaurant choices will be limited.

    Arizona in 6 days!!!!

    We do this too! San Diego this year! I have off President's Day and Lincoln's Birthday.

  • I like Valentine's Day. It's not my favorite holiday, but I do like it. I like most holidays. I'm that person.

    I make some homemade cards for my close friends and family (and FI of course), I bake cookies or cupcakes for work, if I find cute little card valentines (like kids hand out in school) I'll buy a box and send them to whomever.

    We don't usually go out though, too crowded and too expensive. But we'll order in and watch a movie. This year though we both have the next Monday off for president's day, so FI wants to take a trip up north. Haven't priced out hotels yet, so it may or may not happen.
  • If you call - demanding DH make me a cheesecake for Valentine's Day celebrating - then yes we are celebrating. 

    But really, no we don't. We're going out Friday night to murder mystery dinner with friends, but it just happens to be Valentine's weekend and we go whenever the organization holds them. No cards, no gifts, nothing special. 

    I hate going out on V Day, the food is always the worst. one year I almost choked on a fish bone. Another year my meal was raw. It's just too busy to get good food.
    :kiss: ~xoxo~ :kiss:

  • We don't go out for Valentine's Day.  I've had this weird thing where for some reason a lot of mildly unpleasant things that have happened throughout the years happen in February, and more specifically on or around Valentine's Day, so I don't like to push it.  It probably sounds crazy, because it sort of is.

    It's crab season, and the store near our place sells colossal crab and king crab legs, so we'll get a combination of those and make some steak and potatoes or something to have with it.  We just do cards, no gifts.  
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I am not a big V-Day person, but it feels weird to totally ignore it. Last year for Christmas I got FI a tank driving experience and a night at a cabin. It ended up that the best weekend to do that little trip was V-Day so we went away for V-Day. We did the tank driving, and cooked in the cabin and spent time in the hot tub. We liked it so much we are spending next weekend in a cabin again. Taking a little trip was a Christmas present to each other. I'll get FI a card and some scotch or a nice bourbon or something, and he'll probably get me flowers and chocolates. 

    The Valentine's Day expectations are so so silly and it is so crazy at all the restaurants it's not enjoyable. I really like having some alone time with FI to re-connect and focus on each other. I find that we get so distracted day-to-day with work and technology that we have been making an effort lately to have one technology free night every week (no phones, no tv) where we do things like play cards, cook dinner, etc. 
  • Just a card or something, nothing big.  he did send me flowers to work on the 1st one we celebrated even though I had said I didn't want them.  I'd much rather have random flowers brought home during the year than super expensive obligatory Vday flowers sent to work or whatever.  Last year bc of weather and me going out of town we didn't celebrate, this year I think it will be b1g1 Qdoba lol.
  • We are staying at an Inn near where I work. I thought it would be cool because it's a scottish inn and restaurant and there is a "romance" package from January to March that we were able to get in on. The thing is, we do this a bit. We will go somewhere and stay the night just for the heck of it so this really isn't different from other weekend getaways. Just happens to fall on Valentine's day. I am very excited though because I want to try some Scottish food!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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