Chit Chat


edited February 2015 in Chit Chat
I've been thinking about shooting my bridesmaids a text about dresses. I know we're way early on it, and they won't need to buy until July at the VERY earliest, but I also have a pretty shitty brain that likes to pick and pick and pick at unnecessary details so I had to spit it out.

I realized I hadn't ever actually ASKED my best friend to be a bridesmaid. So, obviously - I texted her RIGHT THAT SECOND.

I mean, we'd already had several conversations based on the assumption that she was going to be a bridesmaid, but still. I should probably ask. Being voluntold to BE a bridesmaid is probably not a good thing, haha. So I'm just really excited that she said yes haha.

And then I promptly composed an unnecessarily long email communicating the dress thoughts I have been cooping up all damn week. Mostly because I have no way to stop myself once I let myself start spilling any part of the stupid unnecessary details that have been slowly flooding out everything else in my head since May. (The email is in the editing process now so that it's not a bunch of unnecessary crap spat into their inbox; I know better than to send them the first draft.)

ETA: Sorry, this is just me being excited. What's exciting you guys? Wedding related or not, what's going right in your life?
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Re: YAY!

  • That is awesome!!!

    A lot of WR things are exciting me right now.  FPILs really came through with some stuff.  They want to give us a cruise for our honeymoon which is amazing.  They also asked for about 20 family members to be invited we didn't initially plan on (eek) but then offered some money for the reception which will mostly offset those people if they all come.  So I'm happy they get to have the people they want there, but we don't have to pay to host them.  Because we couldn't if it was on us.

    Today, Fi got his suit and I got my shoes.  Yippee!

    Our florist was able to shave some money off our quote so we can still use them for the wedding flowers and not DIY.  I'm glad I don't have to ask for help/ take people up on their offers.  I'm sure it would have come out fine, but especially because our venue doesn't allow delivery the night before, the logistics would be a nightmare.

    50% installment is going to our venue this week.  I have never written a check this large for anything and I'm super proud of us that we saved it up in just a few months.  It gives me faith that our savings plan is working and after this chunk, we are really close to being set for everything else, too.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • Yay! I saw your shoes in the other thread, they were gorgeous! And I'm glad your FPILs are coming through for you. I think I saw something about the cruise??? Maybe I'm crazy haha. But good things all around!
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  • One of my friends just had a baby a few weeks ago, and I am going to see her today. I'm excited about that.
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • Awwww! Yay! New babies are always awesome. I'm glad you're getting to see your friend! I'm sure you and she will have a great time hanging out!

    (I realize I probably sound high right now but I really just have a lot of mental energy normally and then excitedness on top is just a really bad combo. Haha.)
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  • KatieinBklnKatieinBkln member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer First Anniversary
    edited February 2015
    Hooray for bridesmaids and clutch FPILs! I went to tastings last week, and booked the most amazing caterer this week! I am so excited--I always said the food was hands down the most important priority for our reception, and this caterer is incredible. Tons of stuff included, and some of the most delicious food I've ever had. I wasn't sure whether we'd be able to afford anything other than beer and wine, but miraculously, it turned out that full top-shelf bar was doable. Hooray! Now I have to do the really time-sensitive stuff. STDs need to go out this week, and I need to block hotels (wedding is in August but there's a giant golf tournament in the area the week after the wedding, and hotels all across the region book up so I want to be proactive). After that I'll have some time to book a photographer and a band/DJ. Phew. I don't care for planning, but nevertheless I am excited for this wedding! It's gonna be a party.
    This baby knows exactly how I feel
  • WR-Got my shoes a couple weeks ago, picked up my sister's dress Friday, tasting next week, and hopefully FI will get his suit today.  Oh, and also decided to get our hair done for the wedding, so I'm glad that's one less thing I'll have to do myself.

    NWR-Working like a crazy woman with super high needs kids.  It's a little sad, but super rewarding!  I still tutor my private school kids, so it's a very interesting dichotomy.

  • @KatieinBkln Yay! The food is our most important thing too, so I can imagine how exciting it was to sign that contract! Plus you got to taste some FANTASTIC food, AND found out you can afford a full bar. All exciting things! 

    @lurkergirl Lots to be excited about! FI hasn't thought about his suit yet; I probably should get him on that, which means I need to get on the dress myself... :/ Getting your hair done will be so much easier! Plus it's a chance to relax a little before everything kind of goes into hyperdrive, so that will be good! 

    Oh, wow. I bet that's a handful. I feel like the approaches for high needs kids would be so much different than the approaches for private school kids, so I'm super impressed that you're working with both.
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  • WR - going to be spending all day addressing STDs, once I figure out how formal/informal I want to be. My mom wants me to be more formal about it, but her and my dad eloped so it's kind of uncharted territory for her.

    NWR - my dad told me last night my sister's boyfriend is going to propose in a couple weeks. So excited for them - and posting it on here cause I needed to tell someone (besides FI). 
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  • I did that to my sister. We had promised each other when we were little to be each other's maids of honor, and then renewed that promise in college. I asked all my maids but didn't ask her because I thought it was so obvious I didn't even think about it. One day she asks who the maid of honor is and I just stared at her's you....

    She said she didn't want to assume. 

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  • @larrygaga - kind of the same thing happened to me. My mom mentioned to me a couple weeks after we got engaged that my sister wasn't 100% she was going to be my MOH. I was like, well duh, who else would it be?
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  • @knottie21498222 I don't think I'm excited for any addressing, but I'll be excited to be done! Thankfully I won't have much addressing to do haha. That's so exciting about your sister and her BF though!

    And I'm very glad to know I'm not the only one who kind of went on assumptions haha. My sisters told ME they were bridesmaids haha so that one was easy. :)
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  • @hellosweetie1015 My niece did the same thing. She was all of 10, probably younger, when she informed me she would be my maid of honor. That little girl has moxie. Hahaha. I think her exact words were "Aunt Keke- I will be too old to be your flower girl when you get married so I'm going to be your maid of honor instead." I wasn't even engaged yet! haha.
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