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Dear me,

novella1186novella1186 member
5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary First Answer
edited February 2015 in Chit Chat
I don't know why this popped into my head, but yesterday I started to write a list of things I would tell the kid version of me if I could hop in a time machine and go back 15 or 20 years. It's stuff I really wish I would have known, cuz I could have saved myself a lot of misery, or at the very least it would have been nice to know that things will be ok. I ended up with this: 

  • You are not ugly
  • Don’t let all your self-worth depend on what boys say to you
  • Don’t listen to the shit your sister says; she’s angry and hateful, and always will be. That has nothing to do with you
  • Stop trying so hard to win your dad’s approval; you’re never going to get it, and eventually you won’t want it anyway
  • Don’t blow off your best friend the day he randomly rides his bike to your house; that will be the last time you ever see him
  • The first time your high school boyfriend treats you like crap, run. You’re worth more than that. And if you don’t run soon enough and he hits you, hit him back.
  • Don’t believe him when he says no one will ever love you. He’s so wrong
  • You’re stronger and smarter than you realize
  • The bad stuff that happens to you will end up making you a wiser, kinder person, so don’t feel sorry for yourself
  • Those mean girls never amount to much, the shit they say never ends up meaning anything, and you move so far beyond it after high school. So don’t let them get to you
  • Basically what I’m telling you is that high school will be a fucking nightmare, but you’ll survive. Life gets way better after that.
  • Don’t stress about declaring a college major. It’s not as important as your guidance counselor claims, and you won’t work in your field of study anyway
  • But work a little harder your freshmen year
  • Do not get that shooting star tattoo. But go ahead and get all your other tattoos
  • Do a better job saving money. All those expensive high heels end up at Goodwill
  • Your family will never be what you want it to be, but you’ll get adopted by your future husband’s family, and it will be wonderful
  • Everything that you think will never be ok, ends up being ok
  • That horribly turbulent plane you’re on in China will not go down. Relax.
  • The things you worry about are not worth worrying about
  • You’ll never regret the things you do, the chances you take, and the adventures you pursue. You will regret the times you pass those things up and sit at home.
  • It takes a while, but you finally end up with a job you love, so no, you're not stuck living with your parents forever
  • Stop doubting yourself
  • Your future husband is everything you were hoping for, and more
  • Grad school will be even better than you expected 
  • --and, of course--
  • When you start planning your wedding, plan the small celebration you really want and decline your father’s money.

ETF crazy formatting .Yikes

What would you say to the kid version of yourself if you could go back and talk to her?

Re: Dear me,

    • Those mean girls never amount to much, the shit they say never ends up meaning anything, and you move so far beyond it after high school. So don’t let them get to you
    • Basically what I’m telling you is that high school will be a fucking nightmare, but you’ll survive. Life gets way better after that.
    I would double double triple quadruple stress this... but I would also add not to worry so much about what all the boys in high school think of you, especially your "first love", who you wasted so much time crying over and never even think of anymore.

    This is a great post! Thanks for sharing.
    • That horribly turbulent plane you’re on in China will not go down. Relax.

    Ugh- I have to "Dear Me" myself in real-time every time I step on a plane, because I literally find myself holding the seat like that. Dear Me- the plane will not go down, turbulence is not the end of the world, rain is not the end of the world, mysterious dings and noises are not the end of the world, that is NOT the engine shutting off, etc. etc.

    Sigh.... xanax. :)

    • That horribly turbulent plane you’re on in China will not go down. Relax.

    Ugh- I have to "Dear Me" myself in real-time every time I step on a plane, because I literally find myself holding the seat like that. Dear Me- the plane will not go down, turbulence is not the end of the world, rain is not the end of the world, mysterious dings and noises are not the end of the world, that is NOT the engine shutting off, etc. etc.

    Sigh.... xanax. :)

    That's how I am too. I really hate flying which is weird (and inconvenient) because I grew up flying several times a year. 
    • That horribly turbulent plane you’re on in China will not go down. Relax.

    Ugh- I have to "Dear Me" myself in real-time every time I step on a plane, because I literally find myself holding the seat like that. Dear Me- the plane will not go down, turbulence is not the end of the world, rain is not the end of the world, mysterious dings and noises are not the end of the world, that is NOT the engine shutting off, etc. etc.

    Sigh.... xanax. :)

    This is SOOO me lol.


    • Start traveling by yourself earlier, dummy. Don't wait until you're 27 to go to England.
    • That guy you hated in HS, you know the scrawny coworker that you yelled at all the time? You're marrying him. He gains about 60lbs and becomes the man of your dreams. Weird, huh?
    • The guy you're with for 5 years though, not so much. He's a twat. Toss him.
    • And that guy before you marry the hated coworker? He has a girlfriend of 8 years and you're the other woman. Trust your gut.
    • You don't know what you want to do with your life, even at 31. Enjoy it. It's nothing to stress over.
    • That job you thought was amazing will show you that you'd rather work for a company that values their employees FUTURES and not their "right now at this moment".
    • You need to start paying more attention to your little sister. It's not her fault that her mother is a total cuntbag. She needs you eventually.
    • You're always going to flip flop between Android and Apple. 
    • You are going to learn to LOVE beer and stop drinking all the vodka you can get your hands on. You're still never really going to love wine, but you'll develop a taste for it.
    • You will become a crazy cat lady. 
    • You are going to gain back all the weight you lost. And then some. But it's all happy weight. Maybe though, you should put your ass on a treadmill? 
    • Never forget where and who you came from. 
    • And dude, those wrist tattoos, while they're HYSTERICAL now, if you can avoid getting them, you should.

    • That horribly turbulent plane you’re on in China will not go down. Relax.

    Ugh- I have to "Dear Me" myself in real-time every time I step on a plane, because I literally find myself holding the seat like that. Dear Me- the plane will not go down, turbulence is not the end of the world, rain is not the end of the world, mysterious dings and noises are not the end of the world, that is NOT the engine shutting off, etc. etc.

    Sigh.... xanax. :)

    I just got a new job that requires me to fly CONSTANTLY.  And I'm terrified of flying.  Every bump means that the plane is doomed.  One time I sat next to the daughter of the pilot and I interrogated the poor lady for two hours about air disaster rates and what each noise, bump, and creak meant.

    • Start traveling by yourself earlier, dummy. Don't wait until you're 27 to go to England.
    • That guy you hated in HS, you know the scrawny coworker that you yelled at all the time? You're marrying him. He gains about 60lbs and becomes the man of your dreams. Weird, huh?
    • The guy you're with for 5 years though, not so much. He's a twat. Toss him.
    • And that guy before you marry the hated coworker? He has a girlfriend of 8 years and you're the other woman. Trust your gut.
    • You don't know what you want to do with your life, even at 31. Enjoy it. It's nothing to stress over.
    • That job you thought was amazing will show you that you'd rather work for a company that values their employees FUTURES and not their "right now at this moment".
    • You need to start paying more attention to your little sister. It's not her fault that her mother is a total cuntbag. She needs you eventually.
    • You're always going to flip flop between Android and Apple. 
    • You are going to learn to LOVE beer and stop drinking all the vodka you can get your hands on. You're still never really going to love wine, but you'll develop a taste for it.
    • You will become a crazy cat lady. 
    • You are going to gain back all the weight you lost. And then some. But it's all happy weight. Maybe though, you should put your ass on a treadmill? 
    • Never forget where and who you came from. 
    • And dude, those wrist tattoos, while they're HYSTERICAL now, if you can avoid getting them, you should.
    The bolded is so awesome
    • Start traveling by yourself earlier, dummy. Don't wait until you're 27 to go to England.
    • That guy you hated in HS, you know the scrawny coworker that you yelled at all the time? You're marrying him. He gains about 60lbs and becomes the man of your dreams. Weird, huh?
    • The guy you're with for 5 years though, not so much. He's a twat. Toss him.
    • And that guy before you marry the hated coworker? He has a girlfriend of 8 years and you're the other woman. Trust your gut.
    • You don't know what you want to do with your life, even at 31. Enjoy it. It's nothing to stress over.
    • That job you thought was amazing will show you that you'd rather work for a company that values their employees FUTURES and not their "right now at this moment".
    • You need to start paying more attention to your little sister. It's not her fault that her mother is a total cuntbag. She needs you eventually.
    • You're always going to flip flop between Android and Apple. 
    • You are going to learn to LOVE beer and stop drinking all the vodka you can get your hands on. You're still never really going to love wine, but you'll develop a taste for it.
    • You will become a crazy cat lady. 
    • You are going to gain back all the weight you lost. And then some. But it's all happy weight. Maybe though, you should put your ass on a treadmill? 
    • Never forget where and who you came from. 
    • And dude, those wrist tattoos, while they're HYSTERICAL now, if you can avoid getting them, you should.
    The bolded is so awesome
    lol yup. We worked together and graduated together. I hated him and he hated me. We went to our HS reunion together and people were like "You two? REALLY???" 

  • MagicInk that was beautiful! I'm trying not to cry right now! 

  • Love this, Novella. 
    • Don't let her have your cell phone. She's not saving you from drunk-texting somebody - she's drunker than you and has no fear. 
    • You aren't a cell phone. You can't be upgraded.
    • Don't do the teaching program. Whatever you keep telling yourself, you will hate every second.
    This one made me laugh so hard 
  • beethery said:
    Dear Me (and everyone),

    You are nobody's doormat. Don't you ever fucking forget it.
    You are awesome. 
    • When the lady at MAC Cosmetics offers you a job modeling, take it.  Don't skip it to be in your choir show.  You'll be quitting shortly
    • Drink more water.  It seems to be the key to clearing up that persistent adult acne
    • Go out more with your fun friends before you're old and tired.
    • Stop trying so hard.
    • It doesn't matter if boys like you
    • Tell you dad how much you love him on April 11th.  He's going to kill himself and maybe you can save him. 


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