Since our wedding I'm in a serious rut. I'm so very blessed to be married to DH. He's amazing, but I can't seem to get out of my funk. I feel let down by my wedding (bummed by the budget - I couldn't seem to get it to look the way I had envisioned it.) But this isn't the only thing I'm frustrated with. Now, I find myself obsessing about being the "perfect wife". No one is putting pressure on me, but me. I'm constantly trying to serve the best dinner, be ironing queen, and make Jenna Jameson seem like a kitten in the bedroom. I notice I'm also comparing myself to his mother in the "domestic goddess race", trying to outdo her as the woman in his life. Which is also odd. I love my MIL. I just feel like I'm trying to live up to some perfect standard, and frustrated that I'm falling short. (and again, I'm aware that I'm the only one putting pressure on myself.) What the heck is up with this?