Wedding Recap and Withdrawal

Did anyone....

Cry before thier wedding? I am so overwhelmed. I cant think straight. My FI is amazing, told everyone if anything needs to be done he is the one to hear about it not me. I am usually very good and can handle the pressure, but right now I have nothing...I cant even eat because nothing sounds good...just had a major sob fest and could do it again right now. 

Any advice would be huge!!!!

Re: Did anyone....

  • In Response to <a href="">Did anyone....</a>:
    [QUOTE]Cry before thier wedding? I am so overwhelmed. I cant think straight. <strong>My FI is amazing, told everyone if anything needs to be done he is the one to hear about it not me. I am usually very good and can handle the pressure, but right now I have nothing</strong>...I cant even eat because nothing sounds good...just had a major sob fest and could do it again right now.  Any advice would be huge!!!!
    Posted by bluesmiley78[/QUOTE]

    <div>These statements contradict each other. What pressure?</div><div>
    </div><div>And crying is one thing, but sobbing and not being able to eat... why? That makes it sound like they're bad tears, not happy tears. And if that's the case, it may be time to put the wedding on hold and get some serious counseling.</div>
  • If your profile is right, you're 1 day away! YEY! Like PP said, are these happy tears, or sad tears? I'm emotional & kind of sensitive, so I can understand. I know I am feeling really stressed right now & can blow at any minute. It's not because I don't want to marry my FI, it's just the stress of pulling this wedding together.

    Take a step back & breathe. Are you truly happy with your decision to marry your FI? If so, then let everything else go. The vendors will be there and guests will have a blast. Let your FI take care of any hiccups during the day. I hope you enjoy your wedding! 
  • Just calm down, take a deep breath and try to relax. Like you said your FI is amazing. Just relax and focus on what the day is all about, you get to marry the man you Love.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Did anyone....</a>:
    [QUOTE]If your profile is right, you're 1 day away! YEY! Like PP said, are these happy tears, or sad tears? I'm emotional & kind of sensitive, so I can understand. I know I am feeling really stressed right now & can blow at any minute. It's not because I don't want to marry my FI, it's just the stress of pulling this wedding together. Take a step back & breathe. Are you truly happy with your decision to marry your FI? If so, then let everything else go. The vendors will be there and guests will have a blast. Let your FI take care of any hiccups during the day. I hope you enjoy your wedding! 
    Posted by rlavach[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>THIS!!!! I am so stressed out due to things still needing to be done. I have no doubts about my wedding to my FI...he is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I dont need couseling...I am sensitive right now and just want to make sure everything is going to be ok.</div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Did anyone....</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Did anyone.... : THIS!!!! I am so stressed out due to things still needing to be done. I have no doubts about my wedding to my FI...he is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I dont need couseling...I am sensitive right now and just want to make sure everything is going to be ok.
    Posted by bluesmiley78[/QUOTE]
    Aww, yeah. It's a sensitive time. Don't be upset by the PP suggesting counseling. Your OP sounded like you were upset & scared of getting married, which would definitely need couseling. <div>
    </div><div>Don't worry about the little things. I know it's easier said than done because I have a really hard time with it. Now is the time to do what you can & let others take care of the rest. Just think, you're about to marry your FI! Think about the happy parts. You'll make it through & everything will be ok. Good luck!!</div>
  • Thank you  rlavach...I am sure that my post made it sound much worse then it was...My FI told me today that he didnt sleep much either due to being worried about me. But we are strong and he is amazing and helped calm me down last night. Things are going to be as they are going to be and Im ok with that. I just am so concerned about the people who took time out of thier lives to be here...just want to make sure its ok for everyone. Cool
  • Why are wedding so stressful... *sigh*. I hope you are Ok and that things went great.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • Good luck today! I hope everything goes just as you want it to =)

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Don't worry about the little things. The most important thing to remember is at the end of the day you will be married!!! All the little things that can go wrong don't matter in the long run. Take a breathe and go enjoy your wedding!
    Best of luck to you both!
  • pooky91011pooky91011 member
    First Comment
    edited April 2012
    After eight years and a wedding date change the day is upon me and i am drained,exhausted. i did not even have a bachlorette party, which is okay.  and i jsut feel like i feel every little cent i still havent paid nagging at my concious, and everything that i wish i could do but no time. i just dont know how to handle the stress, im breaking out, crying, and exhausted...

    Any thoughts?
  • No, but will at the wedding

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