Not Engaged Yet


Dear Friday evening,

Please come soon.

-Tired and stressed


Dear Self,

So proud that despite the stress you are sticking to eating right, not drinking during the week and working out every day.

-Healthier Me


Dear H,

How did I get so lucky? You complement me daily, support me through everything and you are ever so handsome.

-Karma is lovely sometimes


Dear Weather,

I'm not a popsicle, you can turn the heat up mmmkaay? My heating bill needs a break.

-Freezing minskat



  • edited February 2015
    Dear @labro ,
    I can't wait for you to meet baby peach too! I just want the next two weeks to be done so I can see him/her again! 

    Your sister

    Dear snow,

    You are super lame, you barely covered our backyard yesterday. If it's going to snow I want it to be real snow that I can play in. 

    Girl who loves one day of real snow and then I'm good

    Dear Baby Peach,

    I love you and I can't wait to see you again in two weeks. You're making me nauseous and tired so I'm hoping that's because you're growing and becoming more human-like! In 3 days you will be the size of a LIME! I felt like it was just yesterday you were a little blueberry!

    Your mommy

    Dear Maddux,

    This gas is just horrible and it doesn't help that my smell sensitivity has increased. I just want to plug up your butthole sometimes. We are changing your food flavor back to normal after this and Daddy will never buy you food again.

    Your furmommy

    Dear Crossfit,

    I seriously miss working out to my full potential. I want to lift all the heavy weights and just go all out but I can't. I'm proud of myself for still working out but it makes me jealous that I can't lift to my full potential until baby peach is born : ( I'm being selfish and I just hope I get over it quickly.
  • Dear weather,

    Please get warmer, I'm so sick of the snow and cold. 


    Tired of this cold weather

    Dear H,

    Thank you for being so wonderful and supportive.  I love you so much and feel so blessed to have you in my life.  Two weeks from tomorrow we will be on vacation!!!  Thank you for coming to the doctor with me today too.



    Dear show,

    I can't wait to perform in you.  I am having such a good time, please keep going well and get better.


    Dear God,

    I'm real nervous about my doctor's appointment today, hopefully no bad news and we have a plan for positive progress going forward.

    Anxious Me



  • minskat30minskat30 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited February 2015

    @Southerpeach89 - You ARE working out to your full potential.  Your potential has just shifted temporarily.  I think its amazing and wonderful that you are even still working out with being nauseous!

    @LaBro - How is the painting coming along?

    @Peaseblossom55 - ALL the hugs and fingers crossed for you and your appointment today.  Also, you deserve that vacation and I hope you guys have a great time.

  • Dear whatever plague I'm incubating,

    Go away.

    No love,
    Too busy to be sick
    Dear huge report,

    Review yourself.
    Dear dissertation,

    Write yourself.
    Dear dress,

    OMG you're gorgeous!! Can't wait to wear you again!

    Dear food,

    Please have fewer calories. I miss you. :(

    Want all the things, thank you
  • @minskat30 H finished putting the last of the drywall mud up this week. Now we need to sand all the walls which is going to create a horrible amount of dust. I think we'll prime this weekend and then we can FINALLY paint.

    @southernpeach89 Stop beating yourself up!! You are doing your 100% potential right now and you're doing WAY more than most other women who are pregnant too. You look amazing and you're going to have the cutest baby bump ever in a few more weeks.

  • @minskat30 I just need to tell myself that lol. My nausea hits me at like 10:00 on the dot in the morning and then occasionally before I go to bed so luckily when I workout I just feel super tired and I'm like, "why am I here lol" Then I get over it.
  • Dear @southernpeach89,

    Have you heard of the CarrotsNCake blog?  She did Crossfit while she was pregnant and has lots of advice and stories, if you're interested.


    Dear Winter,

    GO AWAY.

    No love,

    Dear H,

    Thanks for going to all my appointments with me yesterday, for fixing me breakfast and rubbing my feet during the biopsy.  Thanks for remembering all the questions I wanted to ask.  Thank you for the plain hamburger and ice cream when we got home, and for making me get out of bed for a couple of hours so I would sleep at night.  I love you, turdbucket.

    All the love,
    Your wife

    Dear Bella-Bug,

    Thanks for all the snuggles yesterday!  Baxter was being a poophead, but thankfully you slept next to me all afternoon/night.  I promise we'll play fetch tonight.

  • @minskat30 Thanks I can't wait to get away.  I hope things go well at the doctor I am just not sure what to expect!


  • Dear @Peaseblossom55,

    Good luck at your appointment today... doesn't sound like any fun, but I'll be thinking of you.

  • @CocoBellaF -I've heard of a few of those blogs but I don't think I've seen that one yet. I'll have to check it out. Thanks!
  • Three sleeps!



    Dear Playa del Carmen,
    Nine sleeps!!!!

    Pale Tiger


    I hope the doctor gave you good info and you have a plan now!

    Been there, done that ;)


    Dear cancer,
    FUCK YOU. Two of my friends are battling right now... one is 38, the other is 42. No no no nonononononononononono. Not cool.

    No love,


    Dear self,
    Please stop obsessing over moving to Phoenix. It is a LONG ways off, if it even happens. Constantly looking at houses and jobs is NOT going to make the wait any easier.

    Cold Tiger
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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

  • @peaseblossom55 Good luck today! Sending you vibes!

    @CocoBellaF That blog makes me supremely uncomfortable. Dead lifting 65 lbs at 37 weeks pregnant??

  • @labro Not something that I would feel comfortable doing, but seeing as she worked with her medical team the entire pregnancy, scaled back from her normal work outs, and listened to her body concerning rest time, I don't judge her.  I've never been pregnant, but my GYN has told me that pre-pregnancy and during pregnancy, if you can keep active and work out at or a little less than what your body is used to, you'll find that pregnancy, birth, and post-partum will be a bit easier. 
  • @TwoDimes - Hopefully we'll have preliminary results by Friday, but really it'll be another couple of weeks until we have final results.  :(  We're just hoping to have enough info by surgery on Tuesday to know if we need to take the whole thing or just the half with the tumor.
  • Dear Purina,

    WTF is up with this lawsuit?!?  My dog was "eating" high-quality dog food and has been his entire life but-for a few weeks ago when he decided to be picky again after he snuck some of your food at my sister's house.  Since he loved it so much, I started feeding him your food...which of course is the ONLY food (other than his nightly chicken) I don't have to struggle with to make him eat.  I'm pissed as hell at myself now for trusting you.

    -Bad Dog Mommy

  • eilis1228eilis1228 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited February 2015
    Dear FI,
    Happy Anniversary! Hooray for 4 years together. I think it's funny that we both forgot about it this morning. lol

    Dear Mother Nature,
    Thanks for that little mini vacation. Hibernation was fun.
    Cold, well-rested Liz

    Dear Body,
    What's up with all the muscles being so easily pulled? This is no bueno! 

    Dear Boss,
    STOP TELLING ME THAT YOU THINK I'M PREGNANT EVERY TIME MY STOMACH GETS UPSET! Do not put that juju on me 8 months before my wedding!
    Not Knocked Up 

    Awww little peach is getting so big! I agree with everyone else-- I'm amazed you're still working out. Way to kick ass!

    You look amazing! Such a beautiful bride! 

    Sending you ALL the healthy and healing vibes! <3

    Good luck today!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Dear @CocoBellaF‌,
    I'm glad the biopsy is over and you are one step closer to being better. You've been in my thoughts a lot lately. Good luck with the rest of it.

    Dear @TwoDimes‌,
    We fought a lot right after we got the dog. I was defensive about how much of an asshole my dog was because I was working so hard to train him. Indy will hopefully be a decent little roommate soon. I never thought the biting would stop. It did!

    Dear @GoldenPenguin,
    Chica, you are looking fucking fabulous!!!

  • @eilis1228, @AlPacina, @TwoDimes - Thank you all!  I'm really starting to get nervous plus feeling poopy from post-biopsy.  Ready to get this over with and lounge in my new PJs, sipping milkshakes and watching Netflix.  I've got big plans, obvs!
  • AlPacinaAlPacina member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited February 2015

    @CocoBellaF - May I recommend Bates Motel and Peaky Blinders. They are the two shows I'm loving on Netflix right now. Although new season of House of Cards is coming in a couple of days!

    Dear @cu97tiger,
    I am so so sorry to hear about your friends! I'm with you. Cancer can go suck a fuck.

  • @twodimes @eilis1228 thank you!

    @GoldenPenguin thank you for the good vibes!!! I am in love with your dress!  Gorgeous!


  • @TwoDimes LOL @ "you could have a baby any day now." Yes, you're clearly about to pop with your fictional child. I understand where your coworker was coming from, but that is so awkward! My boss is probably in a similar mindset to your coworker. She's always really excited and happy when she's like, "I could have sworn you were pregnant! I told my family I was certain you were!" Great intentions, but a little on the WTF side. Let me get married first before we start hoping for babies.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @eilis1228 and @TwoDimes Um wtf? to both your coworkers! Clearly the two of you are ready to pop! Where have you been hiding that baby belly all this time anyway???

  • Dear Life,

    I'm enjoying figuring my shit out.  I'm excited to start my new job on Monday.  I'm excited to move into my gorgeous apartment in 10 days.  And I'm excited to be back in the city I love, surrounded by people who are wonderful to me.  Even though I have a lot going on, and it can be stressful sometimes, I will consider this a win.

    Happy Camper

    Dear Mom,

    Sending me an email telling me that you think of me daily is not going to make me sweep everything under the rug and play nice.  Either own your behaviors and give me the apology I deserve (and mean it), or don't bother talking to me.

    Boundaries will be had.

    Dear DH,

    I'm so proud of you and how hard you've been working for your new job.  You're doing such a good job, and I am profoundly privileged to be your wife.

    Love always,
    Your 5am driving companion

    Dear All Debt,

    You will be paid off on Friday.  And then I'm getting either 1) The bag of my dreams 2) Seriously gorgeous furniture or 3) Both...and I will be paying CASH.


    Survivor of a $100 Per Month Allowance

    Dear @minskat30,

    Miss your face.  And YGPM.


  • Dear invitations,


    This is awesome because that means you're not all going to land back in my mailbox like little paranoid me thought you would.

    RSVPs next please,
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