Hello Fellow Knotties--I recently attended a bridal shower for a long-time friend. Her maid of honor sent the invitations out via eVite (which I thought was pretty tacky especially since my invitation went into my Junk/Spam mail, and I had to search for it and fish it out when they called and told me I was late with my RSVP for an event I didn't even know about. D'oh.). This shower was in a formal location over two hours away, where everyone had to dress up for the evening, and it was a themed shower with specific types of gifts. This was the second shower I attended and second gift I purchased for this friend. When I arrived, the parking was to be paid by me, and adult libations were only provided via a a cash bar. Neither of these details were provided on the eVite.
While I wasn't super happy about the above details, I kept my cool UNTIL the maid of honor asked us all to fill out our names and addresses on the thank you note envelopes to "help the bride out." I'm afraid I lost my temper and pretty much said, "I don't think so. If (bride's name) wants to thank me for my gifts, my time, and my support, etc., she will find a more appropriate manner of doing so."
I cannot imagine doing any of the above to my support circle of family, friends and other guests and have learned several lessons already. I have even begged my attendants to keep it simple with only two pre-wedding bridal events--a true shower for family and closest friends AND an anything-goes-girls-night-out (no gifts).
So tell me...how horrible am I? How would you have handled it? I was invited to still another shower for this same friend (but have since RSVP'd no) and then there's still the big day, which is a four-hour trip and overnight stay away. Is it really too much to expect a sincere, hand-written thank you note from the bride? Who do you think is ultimately responsible for how things went--the bride or the maid of honor? I mean, the party is for the bride, but the maid of honor threw the party. I'm confused. Thanks, y'all!