Wedding Recap and Withdrawal

Impressions of a Thursday wedding?

I just booked a Thursday evening wedding, and I have gotten a couple of not super enthusiastic responses. I had originally resisted having my wedding on any day but a Saturday, but then I figured there would be people that couldn't make it for whatever reason no matter which day we chose. Besides, I chose the Thursday before Columbus Day weekend, thinking people may take the day after the wedding off anyway, leaving them room to let loose and indulge in the open bar. :)

But now that people have said a couple of negative things about the day we chose, I'm wondering if I did some great injustice to my guests by booking a Thursday. Did anyone here have a Thursday wedding, and if so, did you get any grumbling guests? How did you deal with it? Do you think you had a better/worse experience because of the day?
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Re: Impressions of a Thursday wedding?

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    I am having my wedding on a Thursday evening also!  I've worked every single saturday for years  now and I know a number of people who actually do also (retail, beauty services and food services etc.) so the fact that my wedding is not on a saturday just never seemed like a big deal to me. 

    My ceremony is going to be at 6pm,  giving people time to get there from work.  The reception will be from 7-10 that they can come to also if they can't make the ceremony.

    I have just a handful of out of town guests coming in that will be taking just that Friday off from work,  they love and care about us so taking one day off of work is nothing.

    I haven't had any compaints from anyone that it is on a Thursday,  a couple people have asked why I chose a Thursday, just out of curiosity.  After I tell them we save over $1,000 by having it on a week day, they totally understand.

    Good luck and I hope this helps!  Smile
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