Wedding Recap and Withdrawal


Has anyone ever heard of an I DO/RE-DO photo session? My photos are not the best, my photographer did not listen to anything I told them and now I am stuck with horrible wedding photos. I DO/RE DO is something I have heard of here recently where the bride and groom re-take their wedding photos. We have been married one year and I had thought about re-taking my photos but I feel ashamed and guilty. The photography is one thing, we had many mishaps and I look back thinking and wishing I could do it all over again.

Here recently my grandmother through out my entire wedding bouquet and my husbands flowers as well as my maids. She was supportive about my marriage but was not helpful when she was asked to participate in any wedding showers and events. She didn't want to do anything. My mother wasn't much better either, but that's a story for another day. This affirmed to me even more that my day wasn't the best and it crushed me when she wouldn't help and now she threw out my wedding bouquet!!  I was devastated and burst into tears at a restaurant.

Here it is a year later and I hate my photos and my day was not what I thought it would be. Should I just get ovet it??? What should I do about my photos?? How do I make these feeings go away? I love my husband dearly and he's even joked about us re-newing our vows in another ceremony, but is it too much to ask for?? I settled for alot on my wedding is this what I get for being a people-pleaser and not a bridezilla?? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • In Response to <a href="">I DO/RE-DO</a>:
    [QUOTE]Has anyone ever heard of an I DO/RE-DO photo session? My photos are not the best, my photographer did not listen to anything I told them and now I am stuck with horrible wedding photos. I DO/RE DO is something I have heard of here recently where the bride and groom re-take their wedding photos. We have been married one year and I had thought about re-taking my photos but I feel ashamed and guilty. The photography is one thing, we had many mishaps and I look back thinking and wishing I could do it all over again. Here recently my grandmother through out my entire wedding bouquet and my husbands flowers as well as my maids. <strong>She was supportive about my marriage but was not helpful when she was asked to participate in any wedding showers and events. She didn't want to do anything. </strong>My mother wasn't much better either, but that's a story for another day. This affirmed to me even more that my day wasn't the best and it crushed me when she wouldn't help and now she threw out my wedding bouquet!!  I was devastated and burst into tears at a restaurant. Here it is a year later and I hate my photos and my day was not what I thought it would be. Should I just get ovet it??? What should I do about my photos?? How do I make these feeings go away? I love my husband dearly and he's even joked about us re-newing our vows in another ceremony, but is it too much to ask for?? I settled for alot on my wedding is this what I get for being a people-pleaser and not a bridezilla?? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Posted by prettywoman12[/QUOTE]

    <div>That's is her only job (to be supportive) -- the only persons job to plan your wedding is you and your husband. My grandma couldn't even attend my wedding nor did I discuss many WR with her. I don't know why you are still harping on this a year after your wedding. Its par for the course that not all of your family is going to be jumping for joy & helping you with WR things. </div><div>
    </div><div>It sucks they threw out your bouquet but move on with your life...seriously.</div><div>
    </div><div>As for the photos, maybe a trash the dress session is in order, but re-doing your wedding photos is a little creepy & insincere if you ask me.</div>
  • I like the trash the dress idea.  I think it would be fun and relaxing for you and hubby. You guys could have some fun, let off some steam, and get some neat pictures.

    I'm in KY.  Are you around the BG area?  If so, I can recommend some great, inexpensive photographers.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I agree with the other ladies. I have never heard of a re-do of wedding photos. I know its hard, but deal with what you have, at least you have something.

    I think you could do a TTD since it sounds like you want more photos of you in your dress. But re-enacting your wedding day would be a bit weird to me as well.
  • I would not look down on you at all if you did an I Do redo.  But, I would suggest instead taking a second honeymoon just the two of you and renewing your vows while on that honeymoon.  If you went to a Couples resort or a nice all inclusive place (don't go to Sandals)  you could get a photographer and flowers and wear a white dress and renew your vows again.  If you have a couple you are close friends with, they could vacation with you and watch you renew your vows.  I'd leave your family out of it though so it's romantic between the two of you.  You don't even have to tell your family you're going to renew your vows.  If you want the photo redo session, you should go for it as a first anniversary thing but remember, it's pretty expensive.  YOu have to pay for your dress to be cleaned, for your hair and make up, for the flowers, for his tux and of course for the pictures. 
  • Missy Sue, from what I got, I don't think she would be reenacting the whole day, I think she would just be taking formal and fun poses in a pretty location in their wedding clothes.  There wouldn't be another ceremony or reception.  
  • I had never heard of it either, until recently. It isn't an entire re-do of the whole day, that would indeed be creepy; but pics just of him and I.  As far as the flowers go, it wasn't just any flowers and she just threw them out last week so I am still very hurt over it. I appreciate the thoughts and criticisms.  
  • I'm confused about why your grandmother had your flowers in the first place if they were so important to you?

    As for the pictures, do you really think it would make you happy to re-do them?  Then every time you look at your pictures you have to remember that they're not the real pictures from your wedding.
    Married 10/2/10
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: I DO/RE-DO</a>:
    [QUOTE]I had never heard of it either, until recently. It isn't an entire re-do of the whole day, that would indeed be creepy; but pics just of him and I.  As far as the flowers go, it wasn't just any flowers and she just threw them out last week so I am still very hurt over it. I appreciate the thoughts and criticisms.  
    Posted by prettywoman12[/QUOTE]

    Flowers aside, if your only aim in this (which it seems like it is) is to get some good photos of you and your H in your wedding day attire, I agree with the ladies who suggested doing a TTD.

    The point of a TTD is, essentially, to get some fun photos in your wedding dress. If you had your H do the session with you, I think you would ultimately get what you're after, fun/good quality photos in your wedding clothes.
    **i'm a little drunk on you and high on summertime** Photobucket

  • I think it is important to focus on the present not the past. We can always find fault in what could have been. Make memories today.
    When I was 19 years old my house burned down. I lost everything that I thought was important. As time went by I gained new "things" and realized what was really important. That one was hurt. Although you may never have the pictures of your dreams. You have something WAY more important. The man of your dreams.
    People lose loved ones, sister, brothers, children, parents, spouses, friends and close relatives.
    In the grand scheme of things.....your very blessed.
    ps. my husband passed away. I have the wedding pictures and so what! He is gone!
    I hope this puts things in perspective. Go LOVE your husband.
    Appreciate the present. It is a gift.

  • I was thinking of doing another photo session, but I didn't want to Trash my dress, another thing they have is Rock the Dress, and your husband could do it with you.
  • I don't think there is anything wrong with you taking new wedding pictures of you and your H.  Get dressed up and have a ball.  A friend of mine just got a Lambo for his birthday and H and I plan on getting dressed up and doing a post-wedding photo shoot with our friends Lambo, we just thought it would be fun.  
  • We're actually doing a RTD session today...and its been 6 years and 10 days since our wedding day.  6 years ago, TTD and RTD sessions were unheard of, and for the past 6 years, I've been living with wedding photos that I've never loved.  So the fact that its now common to get back in the dress to take fun, post-wedding pictures makes me so excited!  And I'm not replacing photos, I'm adding to the collection.

    So today, we're celebrating not only these past few successful years of marriage, but also the fact that I can get into my dress again.  We'll do this any time we want, as long as our budget and my figure allows ;)

    (6 years married but back on theknot because I'll soon be MOH and weddings are on the brain)
  • what is rock the dress and how is that anything different than a wedding photo redo?  
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: I DO/RE-DO</a>:
    [QUOTE]what is rock the dress and how is that anything different than a wedding photo redo?  
    Posted by Theresa626[/QUOTE]

    It's essentially the same thing. "Wedding Photo Re-do" sounds kind of creepy, though, whereas RTD sessions are becoming commonplace.

    RTD is basically a TTD where the dress doesn't get dirty/ruined.
    **i'm a little drunk on you and high on summertime** Photobucket
  • jessfontjessfont member
    edited September 2010
    Post RTD session report:  It was a blast.  We treated ourselves with this photo shoot, and we created new memories.  None of it felt like a re-do.  These memories and these new photos can hardly replace the memories, good and bad, from our wedding day, and it'll be fun to look at photos from both days side by side.
    (6 years married but back on theknot because I'll soon be MOH and weddings are on the brain)
  • Jessfont- I am so happy for you. You have captured my words, I love that you have created NEW memories and are not replacing those with the pictures you do not like. I'm glad someone finally is going through what I am going through and understands where I am coming from. Congrats on fitting back into your dress after all those years, what an accomplishment!!!!!

    QuoteQueen- This is the story with the flowers I trusted my mother with them and they were in a spare fridge. We do not have a spare fridge or they would've been with me. They recently moved and the flowers were intact in the spare fridge that was in storage at my grandmothers. With a sign on them and my mother spoke to her and told her do not touch the flowers. My grandmother just forgot and threw them out b/c she said they looked like old lettuce.

    I didn't want to get into EVERYTHING on here but I'll explain. She vocally stated, "I don't have anything to wear, I don't want to go." Not only did I have to stress over my entire wedding and planning, I had to deal with my own grandmother not wanting to go to my wedding b/c she couldn't find anything to wear????? Who does that???? My grandmother!!! I'm the type of person that takes words to heart if you say your not going to my wedding it crushes me. As a granddaughter hearing those words hurt so bad. So now when the flowers get thrown out all those emotions come back. I feel I have no trust for anyone in my family sometimes. I was also thinking about getting a replica bouquet and having those preserved. Who knows, I am sure I will be bashed for wanting to do that too =)

    I do appreciate the word of support and all the advice. Different perspectives help me realize things I didn't even think about. When a person has all these mixed emotions its always nice to have people from the outside looking in help.

    Thank you all.
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