Has anyone ever heard of an I DO/RE-DO photo session? My photos are not the best, my photographer did not listen to anything I told them and now I am stuck with horrible wedding photos. I DO/RE DO is something I have heard of here recently where the bride and groom re-take their wedding photos. We have been married one year and I had thought about re-taking my photos but I feel ashamed and guilty. The photography is one thing, we had many mishaps and I look back thinking and wishing I could do it all over again.
Here recently my grandmother through out my entire wedding bouquet and my husbands flowers as well as my maids. She was supportive about my marriage but was not helpful when she was asked to participate in any wedding showers and events. She didn't want to do anything. My mother wasn't much better either, but that's a story for another day. This affirmed to me even more that my day wasn't the best and it crushed me when she wouldn't help and now she threw out my wedding bouquet!! I was devastated and burst into tears at a restaurant.
Here it is a year later and I hate my photos and my day was not what I thought it would be. Should I just get ovet it??? What should I do about my photos?? How do I make these feeings go away? I love my husband dearly and he's even joked about us re-newing our vows in another ceremony, but is it too much to ask for?? I settled for alot on my wedding is this what I get for being a people-pleaser and not a bridezilla?? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!