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Re: Monday Monday Monday

  • eilis1228  I've received save the dates 10-12 months in advance.  The last one I got was in December/January for a September wedding. Those don't bother me as much, since I just stick them to the fridge/bulletin board. I only think they're b-listing because I cannot think of any other reason why they need to send invitations 3 months in advance (there's no hotel block and it is a buffet so they don't need to keep track of food). 

    @labro Exactly,I put it in my google calendar so I don't forget. 
  • @Hummingbird125 - A lot of us were nervous when my sister said she didn't want anyone to proofread her invitiations because she is known for not spelling well. The only mistake ended up being "At the <Smith> residents" instead of residence.

    @KeptInStitches - Was I supposed to know that was a book series? I fail..... Your coasters look fabulous!

    @southernpeach89 - F that. She just wouldn't be able to live with herself if the sides didn't turn out even. So polite of her to still "allow you" to come a a guest. Don't expect her excited about your baby with her wedding so close either. Frickin people! I also vote skip the wedding.

    @Swazzle - Yea, that table is the shit now. Your H did a great job!

    @lmcooper86 - So much wedding stuff! Yay!

    @untouchablets - Maroon 5! *squeal* Sweeeeeet kiwi, your juices drippin down my chin.....


    Hey everybody! Nothing too much happened this weekend. My friend and her son hung out with me while our guys went out drinking on saturday night. We watched Gone Girl, and I thought it was awesome. She was getting SO PISSED at the wife. She kept getting up off the couch and yelling. It was hilarious. Neither of them could drive home, so they stayed the night, and then hung out ALL of sunday.

    I finished reading Still Alice on saturday morning, and we have one episode left in season 3 of HOC. I'm enjoying this season the least so far. Anyone else watch it yet? What do you think?

    So, I mentioned last week that one couple I know got engaged at the end of last week. Well, she has already booked a date (3 months from now) and a dress. I know this, because she posted about both on facebook, AND texted me the exact same messages. One thing I found out that she DIDN'T post on Facebook is that her FMIL (a sweet sweet lady) gave her a diamond necklace as a present to welcome her into the family. I dunno if it's an heirloom, but it wasn't new. She immediately decided her FI will trade the necklace in for credit and use it to upgrade her already enormous stone in her e-ring........ She can text me all she wants. I'm not attending the wedding.

    BF's brother also got engaged. Her ring is beautiful, and he took her to the space needle and proposed on their anniversary. It's pretty cute, and makes me less upset overall.

  • @labro and @speakeasy14 lol I guess I thought you were only supposed to send STDs 4-6 months out. I'm probably being too judgy with this particular bride anyway because she posts all of her wedding stuff on FB. I agree that the invitation faux pas is much much worse, but she could just be really excited for the wedding and not B-listing. But yes, either way, it's too early for invitations. I have a feeling she'll be tracking down a lot of people for RSVPs. 

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @alpacina, I didn't know it was, either, until last summer when "The Giver" movie came out. Lois Lowry didn't write the next book until around 2000, I believe. Brief (non-spoiler) summary and review:

    "The Giver" - awesome awesome awesome book. Completely worth it every time I read it. I still might name a son Gabriel.

    "Gathering Blue" - very good, but very different from "The Giver." Same time period, different direction society went.

    "Messenger" - Kind of strange. Not my favorite book of the quartet by far. Necessary to understand the last book, but not the best thing Lowry ever wrote.

    "Son" - Amazing. Way up there. Almost as good as "The Giver," especially the earliest parts of the book. Not that it's a disappointing ending, just that the beginning is so amazing.

    As a side note, when Lois Lowry dies, I'm going to be kind of sniffly in my office because I read so many of her books when I was a kid.
  • @AlPacina - I still have to finish season 2! I'm so anxious to start 3 although my coworker said she's been pretty bored through the episodes she's watched which bums me out. 

  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    @AlPacina That's horrible! I'd be so devastated if I was her FMIL to find out a family heirloom was going to be traded in for a bigger diamond. Is she a real person? This is ridiculous. Is her FI seriously on board with this? Does he know the necklace is an heirloom gift?

  • @AlPacina Wow, your friend sounds fantastic... 

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @alpacinaimage that girl sounds precious.

    eilis1228 True, she could just be really excited, she does have a weekly FB countdown.  Haha I'm also in a mood today. 
  • @KeptInStitches - I'm assuming the others are also short, like The Giver? If so, I will pick them up and read them soon! If they're not too long I'm sure I could still get through the third one, even if I'm not not enjoying it.

    @Swazzle - The dynamic isn't as cut-throat as the other seasons. Everyone hasto be so tame, and they have all these side stories that I really don't find that interesting. Meh. Season 4 could end up being great, or also boring. I suppose we will see.

    @labro - She IS a real person. A real person that got "miraculously" pregnant when her relationship started going downhill, even though she wasn't supposed to be able to get pregnant. A real person that told me she wished her grandma would just die already, so she could use her inherritance on a new house downpayment. A real person that is making her fiance work two jobs because she just does better as a stay at home mom but needs a bigger apartment and nicer clothes/things than they can realistically afford..... Her fiance is one of those guys that is basically TOO sweet. He's a people pleaser, so I'm not surprised he's continued giving her everything she wants.

    @eilis1228 - Everyone invites this couple to the "friend events"..... except no one likes her. We just all love her fiance enough that we're willing to put up with her to be able to spend time with him.

  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers

    @AlPacina @KeptinStitches Somehow I didn't know about the fourth book in The Giver Quartet! I definitely agree on your assessment of books 2 and 3 though. I need to re-read them if I'm going to read book 4 (how didn't I know about this????)! @AlPacina Books 2 and 3 are just as short as The Giver so they should be quick easy reads.

    Also, your friend is legit BSC. I feel sorry for her FI....

  • AlPacina said:

    Hey everybody! Nothing too much happened this weekend. My friend and her son hung out with me while our guys went out drinking on saturday night. We watched Gone Girl, and I thought it was awesome. She was getting SO PISSED at the wife. She kept getting up off the couch and yelling. It was hilarious. Neither of them could drive home, so they stayed the night, and then hung out ALL of sunday.

    I finished reading Still Alice on saturday morning, and we have one episode left in season 3 of HOC. I'm enjoying this season the least so far. Anyone else watch it yet? What do you think?

    So, I mentioned last week that one couple I know got engaged at the end of last week. Well, she has already booked a date (3 months from now) and a dress. I know this, because she posted about both on facebook, AND texted me the exact same messages. One thing I found out that she DIDN'T post on Facebook is that her FMIL (a sweet sweet lady) gave her a diamond necklace as a present to welcome her into the family. I dunno if it's an heirloom, but it wasn't new. She immediately decided her FI will trade the necklace in for credit and use it to upgrade her already enormous stone in her e-ring........ She can text me all she wants. I'm not attending the wedding.

    BF's brother also got engaged. Her ring is beautiful, and he took her to the space needle and proposed on their anniversary. It's pretty cute, and makes me less upset overall.

    I think Gone Girl has got to be one of my favoite book-to-movie adaptations. So good!
  • @alpacina, they're all quick easy reads.
  • Sorry to sound dumb but I am getting this correct? So If you get a save the date, do you NOT expect an invite later because you are "B" listed? I am just curious because I thought I would get the save the date and I expected an invite months later. This happened with my cousin. Her wedding was like 3 weeks away and I had been invited and went to her shower already, also recieved a save the date months before. So I talked to her mom and asked her if they had cut the wedding list down since I didn't receive an invite and if they did it was no big deal. She apologized profusely and said of course we were invited and then sent one to each of us in my family that day. I still wonder, was I really supposed to be invited? I went we had fun so it's not keeping me up at night but the conversations here made me think about it again. Sorry for the ramble.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers'> 
  • @Loves2dream If you receive a Save the Date, you should receive an invitation. Also, if you were invited to her shower, then you should receive an invitation to the wedding. 

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Thanks, I was confused reading through the thread here. I thought so!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers'> 
  • Snapshot of today as I'm working on my presentation:

    I end up walking down to my hazardous waste mitigation prof's office. "What's that thing called that holds cryogenic liquid and it's a container and it's glass and metal and insulated?"

    "I'm drawing a mental blank, too..."

    (long pause) "DEWAR FLASK!"

    It is amazing they're letting me get a Ph.D.
  • @southernpeach89

    Yikes! That's awful!  I don't even know what to say to that nonsense!!
  • Loves2dream If you receive a save the date or invite to any pre-wedding parties, you should receive an invite to the wedding. We were snarking on how early people were sending out save the dates and invitations (in my case I received an invitation 3 months in advance). But the fact that you mention that you had to ask if you were receiving an invite after attending prewedding parties, and the suddenly received an invite, is odd. 
  • KeptInStitches Happens to everyone!  I just stopped my boss to confirm dates for an event and completely forgot what I was supposed to be confirming. 
  • So..... apparently she just decided on a wedding date 3 months from now and hasn't even booked the place. She just sent out a facebook event invite because she wants to see who is interested in coming, as that will affect the size of venue she gets. Or else she wants to figure out a B list. I'm not sure. There are people from all over Oregon and Washington on there, yet she doesn't even say where it is probably going to be........ This all just seems like a terrible idea.

  • I had a great weekend up until yesterday evening. Sorry but this post is a vent:

    So one of my best "friends" is getting married in October on the 23rd and asked me to be her bridesmaid last year around Halloween and of course I accepted. I told her I was pregnant when I was around 8-9 weeks and she asked me then if I was ok still with being in the wedding and I told her, "of course, my due date is September 22nd so I should be fine."

    Well...apparently she is doesn't think I'll be fine and decided that for me yesterday. She called and told me that she believes it's best that I not be in the wedding because she is worried that my recovery will take too long and that I won't be able to fulfill my "bridesmaid duties" one month after I give birth. She also said that I will not want to leave my baby. This is all coming from a girl who doesn't have any children but asked her mom and her friend who have children and apparently they had difficult births so they agreed that it will take me more than a month to recover.

    I'm not even mad that she kicked me out, I'M BEYOND PISSED that she thinks she can decide for me whether or not I will be suitable to be in her wedding. How will she know what my birth process will be like? She has no idea! To me, this feels like she cares more about how her wedding looks, making sure there are even numbers on both sides, than making sure that I'm ok because I'm her friend. This is something she should have let me decide as it gets closer to September and if I can't make it then oh well....if I were in her situation and one of my bridesmaids couldn't suddenly be there because of an emergency or was recovering from something like giving birth, I wouldn't care one bit if my lines were off, I would be more concerned about their well being than making sure that I kick them out of my wedding before any of that happens!

    I think this is the most angry I've ever been, I feel taken advantage of and basically given the boot because my due date is too close to her wedding. This is so selfish to me.

    She even said I could come as a guest....oh that's nice. I guess I can show up the same person but just wearing a different dress. So it's like she knows I'll be ok, she just doesn't want to risk it. 

    This is beyond me. I'm so upset.
    Oh hell no. I'm so sorry @southernpeach89. I would have probably said something really nasty to her when she had the balls to say you could come as a guest. NO THANKS.
  • AlPacina said:

    So..... apparently she just decided on a wedding date 3 months from now and hasn't even booked the place. She just sent out a facebook event invite because she wants to see who is interested in coming, as that will affect the size of venue she gets. Or else she wants to figure out a B list. I'm not sure. There are people from all over Oregon and Washington on there, yet she doesn't even say where it is probably going to be........ This all just seems like a terrible idea.

    I HATE PEOPLE. WTF. This is so ridiculous. Why do people like her and @southernpeach89's faux friend exist??

  • @southernpeach89 just reading your comment about what your friend did made me upset for you! That is not okay and I can't believe a so called friend would treat you that way! 

    @AlPacina that girl sounds like a peach, but this wedding sounds like it will be one of those ones we love to snark on (similar to my friends who are getting married in September). Is it bad that I can't wait to hear more updates? Also, I cannot believe the audacity to sell a diamond heirloom necklace for a bigger diamond ring. The necklace would be so much more valuable to me in this instance, because it was FI's family accepting me into their family (which they have done without expensive jewelry, but still). 

    Anyways, hi ladies!  I am so sore today! FI and I ran a 5k on Saturday night, and it was so much fun, but my entire body hurts. It was a Blacklight Run, which was basically a color run but at night with UV glow powder and an after party with a DJ. I attached a picture of FI and I at the finish line!

    Anyways, that was the highlight of my weekend. Other than that we did our taxes, cleaned the apartment, and caught up on TV shows that we missed during the week. 


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