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I'm Bored

bethsmilesbethsmiles member
10000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
edited March 2015 in Not Engaged Yet
I'm bored and can't sleep so I'm sharing this amazingly cute gif with all of you:


How freaking cute is this otter?! 

You may now continue your regularly scheduled evening activities. 

Re: I'm Bored

  • I love otters! I think they are some of the most adorable sea critters! When H and I went to CA a couple weeks ago he had a hard time pulling me away from the otter exhibit at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. They're just so darn cute and playful!!
  • The zoo in my city has an otter shelter and they are so stinkin cute! They have little waterslides in the exhibit and the otters love playing on them. I could watch them all day!

  • I was just telling my BF FI last night about this video!! We call each other big/little otter as pet names sometimes because we always go to bed holding hands (insert cheesy awww here). 

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  • nycgal85 said:

    I was just telling my BF FI last night about this video!! We call each other big/little otter as pet names sometimes because we always go to bed holding hands (insert cheesy awww here). 

    That is incredibly cheesy...but also adorable :)

  • I'm home sick today. Gah FI getting me sick. :(

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @Blackbird230 - Being sick is the worst! Feel better soon!

  • @bethsmiles, thanks! The worst part is I still need to go to my night meeting at 7 since it's a HUGE meeting. Gah.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @blackbird230 I hope you feel better soon! 

    @bethsmiles I LOVE THAT GIF. I'm a big fan of otters. FI compares me to one a lot (woodland creatures in general, otters and koalas in particular... even though koalas are not woodland creatures). I think I'd be really happy as an otter. That's my new dream. Be a happy little otter. 
  • @lilacck28 - I'm going to make being an otter my new dream too! Life seems good as an otter.

  • I used to love otters...Then I read an article called '50 shades of fur' haha. About otters drowning animals and then raping their dead bodies =| Gross.


    They are still pretty cute though! I haven't been to our local zoo in a while, but they have a river otter exibit with the plexi-wall and they like 'playing' with the people, its funny. Theyre very smart!

  • I used to love otters...Then I read an article called '50 shades of fur' haha. About otters drowning animals and then raping their dead bodies =| Gross.


    They are still pretty cute though! I haven't been to our local zoo in a while, but they have a river otter exibit with the plexi-wall and they like 'playing' with the people, its funny. Theyre very smart!

    WTF? Something just don't need to be shared.

  • I am OBSESSED with otters. @nycgal85 - My FI & I also always fall asleep holding hands, so that we don't "float away." When we first started dating, I told him about it, and he thought it was adorable, so it became our "thing." We still do it to this day. :) 

    FI just showed me that video! I love it. Cute animals are his go - to to cheering me up. 
  • The more you know


    Apparently natural behaviour.

  • Yeah, I'm very much pretending I didn't read that @teddgirl9
  • I'll refrain from sharing other weird animal facts in the future haha
  • I'll refrain from sharing other weird animal facts in the future haha

    I don't mind weird animal facts as long as they don't malign my favorite cuddly animals. 
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