Hello, 2015 Junies, and congratulations on your upcoming weddings!
Every year, we old married hags from the days of June 2008 make a point to come pay a visit to the Junies about to get married. We want to spread our wedding cheer and best wishes. While we are fast approaching our SEVEN year wedding anniversaries, you all are about to walk down the isle. Since we now have nothing better to do (like hand address 100+ invitations), we're here to say hello, answer any questions you may have about your upcoming weddings, married life, whatever is on your brain.
When I first joined The Knot, I had no intnetions of making life long friends. As you probably have already figured out from forming close bonds with each other, I got much more than I bargained for. You all have a great opportunity to make friends who know exactly where you are at in life. Together you can vent about mother-in-laws, get through spousal fights, infertility, babies, mortgages, sex droughts and even divorce.
A little about us: There are 68 of us who all still talk on a message board daily (all though no longer powered by The Knot). We now have more babies among us than members. Together we've been through everything imaginable. We've held group GTGs across the country and know more about each other than we care to, down to the way we walk to the bathroom after sex (it's an art, apparently). These girls are not just on the opposite end of a computer screen.
With the introduction out of the way, I'll be your liaison for the next few days, taking your questions back to the other girls, some of them may even stop by here and say, "Hi" themselves. I'll respond back with answers from the group. So go ahead, ask us anything, we don't bite.
"People fear that the Internet will contribute to society’s downfall, but
I can tell them that my online friends have rallied to become my IRL
casserole-bearing cheerleaders." The CaftanMuch love and hugs,"Trickey"
June 2008
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