Wedding Woes


I finally went to Fresh Thyme on Sunday.  Their produce is amazing.  Everything has been so fresh and wonderful.  I had an orange with lunch and it was the best orange I can remember having. 

I also bought some sausages and we had them for dinner Sunday.  I've had their sausages good.  

And I only spent like $14.  :) 

Re: @6fsn

  • 0Face0Face member
    Tenth Anniversary 250 Love Its 500 Comments Name Dropper
    ::butts in::

    *strop*  I need to check out Aldi, as apparently it's the same parent company as Trader Joe's.
  • YASSSS!  Aldi is amazing. 
  • 6fsn6fsn member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    Fresh thyme is the shit. It's a little bit of a haul for me and I can't do my whole shopping there but gah I love it. I'd go for sausage alone, but I love the bulk foods and you can't beat the sale prices. They are also ridiculously nice to the kids. The only down side is the 15-20 minute drive.

    I stock up on the fruit on sale and freeze what we don't eat for smoothies. $40 for 12.5 lbs of chicken alone is worth it.

    @ftrsmrso. I love Aldi but also can't do all of my shopping there. Produce is hit an miss. And they don't always have everything. Like ice cream cones are seasonal. Their cheese is really tasty and cheap. I also really like their baking and spices. Basics like crackers too. They are starting to get a lot more organic and gluten free stuff too. It's worth it just remember the quarter and your own bags.
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