This may be long winded, sorry in advance!
A few years ago, the couple my parents were friends for 20+years with had a falling out. "Dan and Judy" went through a messy divorce and the husband cut ties. We all stayed close with Judy and my brother and I were still friendly with their kids.
Well, Judy basically had a jealous tantrum over a married man she was seeing said hello and chatted with my mom at their workplace. My mom pulled back b/c she didn't need or want the drama. So, that tie was severed and we haven't seen or heard from Judy since.
When I got married a few years ago, I debated on whether or not to invite this family and ultimately decided not to. I hadnt had any contact with the kids or parents, though my brother remained in contact with the oldest son via social media.
Fast forward to 2015. The eldest son is getting married and has invited our entire family to attend both ceremony and reception. The invite said my mom and family.
Should i reach out to him and ask if he's comfortable with all of us coming, or it assumed in the wording of the invitation?
Also, i kind of feel like a jerk for not inviting him to my wedding, even though I know you can't invite everybody and weddings aren't a tit for tat situation.
Any thoughts would be appreciated!