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AW - Shower/Bachelorette Weekend! (SO LONG, LOTS of pics)

I decided to just start a new thread to AW all the things. 

My shower was amazing. I was so overwhelmed with almost all of my most favorite people all in the same room together, it was so surreal. The food was delicious, there were so many presents, and mimosas, and SO. MUCH. LOVE.

It wasn't a surprise, as much as I look shocked in this picture: 

My momma, me, my sister, and godmother (who is performing our ceremony):

My mom made my bow bouquet:

I got so many fun gadgets - my kitchen is full of awesomeness, and I can't wait to make ALL the things. I got the Kitchen Aid mixer, a Ninja blender, a four-slice toaster, an electric wine opener, a breakfast sandwich maker, a new crock pot, plus the bedding I was dying for from Pottery Barn, a penguin pillow, a wine box with a bottle of Save A Bull wine (proceeds go to support our local humane society!), and the white moose head for the wall. And so many other things that I can't even remember them all. I was spoiled rotten.

THEN it was bachelorette time. My soon-to-be SIL brought me to the hotel, and the girls had decorated the room - all in Red Sox stuff!! There were banners and balloons and streamers and baseballs, it was AMAZING. I had a bride-to-be sash, and @Swazzle made me a veil with a Boston "B" on it - and on the back of that, @hummingbird125 drew and hid a little penis. So it wasn't TOTALLY penii-free (but I didn't find it until pretty late in the night, lol). I had a special "bride" wine glass that my MOH made me. And then I walked outside to find a white limo waiting to take us everywhere!! And that came from my FI!! He's pretty spectacular. :)

We got all decked out and went to a Paint & Sip, which is EXACTLY what I wanted to do!! 


After painting, we went to dinner at Margaritas - which just happens to be right across the street from our venue! 


My MOH made all of these adorable props for us to use, and @Swazzle & I were convinced that this "necklace" was a beard. I mean, honestly, why would it be a beard??


After dinner, we went to a local bar, drank WAAAYYY too many things, and danced our little tushies off. 


Total shenanigans. I was hurting BAD yesterday. I'm still SOOOO exhausted. But it was totally worth it. I drove home with Vi yesterday afternoon, and came home to MORE presents waiting for us - including one from @Phira!!! (Thank you SO MUCH, lady!!!) 

FI & I ordered Chinese food, and I was in bed by 9pm. 

Thank you so much to @swazzle, @hummingbird125, @buddysmom80, and @csousa1 for helping to make this weekend extra spectacular. I don't know what I'd do without you bitches. <3<3<3


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Re: AW - Shower/Bachelorette Weekend! (SO LONG, LOTS of pics)

  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers


    This whole post is so spectacular and amazing! And I can't tell you how wonderful and amazing I think your FI is for arranging a special limo for you and everyone else to ride around in!!! I LOVE ALL OF IT!

  • Aw looks like you had an amazing weekend! Yay for so many gifts and so many drinks!

    PS. You look a lot like your mom

  • OMG I LOVE THIS! It sounds like you had such an amazing shower and bachelorette party! I wish I could have been running around with you all! What an awesome group of friends and FI you have!
  • I'm so happy for you!!! It sounds like such an amazing time.  I am glad you were so spoiled from your shower and your bachlelorette party sounds like so much fun!


  • Looks like a blast! I'm so glad you had such a fantastic bridal shower/bachelorette!!

  • So much fun!  And I second that your FI is really really sweet. 
  • Glad that you had so much fun!
  • I want to love this more than once! I'm so glad you had such a great weekend. :) You look FABULOUS!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • LOVE IT!!! Looks like you had an absolutely fantastic weekend! 
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Looks like you had a freakin blast.

    Also, Somebody's looking FABULOUS!

  • You look beautiful!  Looks like you had a wonderful time!
  • Looks like you had an AMAZING time! I'm so happy for you and excited about your upcoming big day!!!
  • I love ALLLLLLLLLLLLL of this! I love the wine, I love the Red Sox theme, I love the hidden penis, I love the photobomb (behind you and @swazzle) I love your FI for being so thoughtful! ALLLL OF IT!!!
    So awesome! I'm so happy for you xoxoxo
    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

  • You looked gorgeous and I'm so glad you had fun!!
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    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

  • It looks like you had an awesome weekend! You looked gorgeous and it sounds like it was a great time! 

  • You're gorgeous! What I would give to be able to go drinking with you loons. Glad you had an amazing time!
    image Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Looks like you ladies had so much fun!! 

  • Sounds like a blast! Glad you had such a wonderful time!! So jealous of all the kitchen fave!
  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • I'm glad you had a great weekend :smile: I think that "necklace" made the cutest beard.
  • I can't take credit for the making of the veil! That was all @buddysmom80 and she did an awesome job!


    I love you and I'm so glad I was there to celebrate with you <3

  • Looks like you had an amazing weekend. I love all the photos, and agree that is not a necklace. Love love love the dress you wore for your shower! 
  • Fuuuun!!! Love your shower dress!



  • You are so pretty.
  • Thank you ladies all SO much!! It was honestly one of the best days/nights ever. <3


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  • ChemFanatic25ChemFanatic25 member
    500 Love Its Fourth Anniversary 500 Comments Name Dropper
    edited March 2015
    What an awesome day! I love the idea of the whole painting as a group thing. I recently did that for a bachelorette party and it was a TON of fun! (In my mind - so much better than going to a club to dance). Also you look freaking fantastic in your outfits! Glad you have fun :-D
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I haven't been on the boards in forever but I just HAD to come by and say you looked gorgeous!! I'm so glad you had a fabulous day and night. Your FI is so awesome for getting the limo for you ladies! 
    friends tv show funy
  • @TwoDimes - FI & I call Violet "Moose" as a nickname, because she's just a big lug. I grew up in Maine, and legitimately had a moose who lived in our backyard for a while. I have a special place in my heart for moose :) 

    Here he is :)


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • @TwoDimes - FI & I call Violet "Moose" as a nickname, because she's just a big lug. I grew up in Maine, and legitimately had a moose who lived in our backyard for a while. I have a special place in my heart for meese :) 

    Here he is :)


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