In Arizona we have the following:
1. The state's drivers licenses are not compliant with federal guidelines that are required for travel, so shortly you won't be able to travel via plane using them. You have to have a passport or other document. A bill to rectify the issue failed.
2. The governor's budget stripped a huge chunk of money away from education. A new, $5 million prison to be run by a private corrections company was approved. Guess if you aren't going to educate the kids, you've got to make sure you can incarcerate them.
3. We passed more abortion restrictions.
4. The governor is requiring a review of school cirriculum because Common Core is the devil.
5. Points 2 & 3 area already going to cost the state money in lawsuits. There was already a court case that said the state had to pay more money towards education, but the state is ignoring it I guess.
6. We were the ones that had the (failed) bill that banned transgender people the right to use the bathroom of their choosing. So a MtF individual was not able to use the women's restroom.
There is more. But these people are so fucking backwards they shit out of their mouth and talk with their ass.