Hi everyone! My best friend is getting married in August and we are working on her centerpieces. We know what we want to do - the ever popular vase filled with water, with flowers/rocks inside and a floating candle on top. She wants to use fake flowers (she is on a budget) and we found some that we loved at Hobby Lobby. We bought enough material to just make one so we could see what we thought, which proved to be a great idea. We came home, put a sample one together and were in love with it....until we realize that the water was turning any visible glue on the flowers white, leaving huge white globs all over the flowers. It ended up not looking as nice as we'd hoped. She still wants to do her centerpieces that way, but we're wondering if anyone has any recommendations of a brand of flower or place to purchase flowers that are maybe a little better for use in these types of centerpieces. Or advice on what to do to avoid the glue issue with the ones she was hoping to use. Any suggestions will be considered extremely helpful, thank you guys in advance!!