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Pet peeves


Re: Pet peeves

  • I also really hate when people reply to a text with "k". It just comes across so rude. You can even be bothered to write the O??
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  • littlepep said:

    "1. People who are permanently fixated on dieting and get preachy-- yet break all of their own rules."

    I hate people who preachy about food. And along the same line people who ask me about my food. Like that looks weird, what you are eating?? A little dish I like to call mind ya business. 

    So much this! SO's family is like this. His parents are very preachy about food and his brother will always ask "What is that?" or make some other comment that makes it clear he finds it disgusting. It drives me nuts. Especially since I'm already self-conscious about eating in front of others so when people make comments about what I'm eating I get even more self-conscious about it.

    ETA: I hate it when I text someone and instead of texting me back, they call.

    YES! Don't call me when a text will do.
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  • Right now, it's people who are all about the gloom and doom.

    I have a few people in my life at the moment for whom everything sucks all the time, and I'm over it. Real problems are one thing but I don't need to hear about how awful it was that you couldn't have your birthday party on your actual birthday or that your courseload is soooo awful and you can't handle writing this paper when I know you went to the bar last night. 

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  • amelisha said:

    Right now, it's people who are all about the gloom and doom.

    I have a few people in my life at the moment for whom everything sucks all the time, and I'm over it. Real problems are one thing but I don't need to hear about how awful it was that you couldn't have your birthday party on your actual birthday or that your courseload is soooo awful and you can't handle writing this paper when I know you went to the bar last night. 
    Is this considered an actual problem by some people? Why on earth does it matter if you celebrate your birthday on your actual birthday or not?

  • amelisha said:

    Right now, it's people who are all about the gloom and doom.

    I have a few people in my life at the moment for whom everything sucks all the time, and I'm over it. Real problems are one thing but I don't need to hear about how awful it was that you couldn't have your birthday party on your actual birthday or that your courseload is soooo awful and you can't handle writing this paper when I know you went to the bar last night. 
    Is this considered an actual problem by some people? Why on earth does it matter if you celebrate your birthday on your actual birthday or not?
    Trust me, I KNOW. The person complaining about that one is way past 30...not a teenager or anything, even.

    Not enough eyerolls for that.

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  • 4forluck said:

    My biggest pet peeve is people who try to walk into elevators before letting people already on it out.  You can't get in until the other people get out!

    And people who don't parent their children in public.  If you let your kids run around and scream at home that is one thing, but in public have some respect for other people and make sure your kids are behaving. 
    I agree with this to a point. I don't have kids so I shouldn't get an opinion, but I do. Running around and screaming = unacceptable.  Kid having a meltdown in a grocery store because Mom won't by him a chocolate bar? I definitely wouldn't side eye that.
    No, I agree with you on that.  If your kid is throwing a tantrum, most times the best thing to do is ignore them.  There is a big difference between a kid having a meltdown and a kid just not having any discipline though.  The lack of discipline is what annoys me.  
  • People who stand in the doorway of the subway. BITCH GET OUT THE WAY. Inevitably they are not getting out at the next stop (not that that would be acceptable either).

    People who take time to complain about the dumb vagaries of Facebook, on Facebook. I think maybe the only thing lamer than being lame is TALKING about how lame everyone around you is. (Unless you are the owner of the successful and brilliant STFU Parents blog, in which case I salute you.)

    Telling me you "hate drama." No one who is not deeply involved with drama has ever said this sentence. Ever. Nondramatic people just don't call it drama, yo.

    People who slap "lol" at the end of everything they've ever written online or in a text. Inevitably nothing they've said is a joke.

    Those signs you can get at various knick-knack shops or street fairs that say things like "Love, Live, Laugh" or any nonsense about Friends Who Are Also Angels or anything inspirational. Setting aside for a moment the fact that they're cliches, I think it's idiotic to decorate your home with words. Decorate it with visual art/paint/furniture/a nice throw, man. EVOKE the warmth and cheesiness of your soul with Hummels, doilies, too many vases, etc. Don't literally spell it out!

    Every. Single. Person. I've met who tells me they "hate drama" are overdramatic/gossipy/stir-the-pot types.

    I also hate overly sensitive people. I once wrote on a wedding website about how generally silly I think it is to rent an animal as a prop for your wedding, and, lo and behold, someone in the comments wrote that their FI proposed to them at the elephant enclosure at a zoo and it was PERFECT and I was a BIG FAT MEANIE who JUST DIDN'T UNDERSTAND!!!!!1!!!

    Yes, lady. That snark was written just for you. These people also tell me I "can't take criticism" when I disagree with them.image


  • Incorrect grammar, chewing with your mouth open, long fingernails on men, people with poor manners, people who don't discipline their children, and the grossest of them all: men wearing flip flops... Ewww.
  • - Using the phrase, jump the shark, incorrectly.

    - Putting something in quotes that isn't a quote. For example, FMIL told me I "had to invite her friends." She didn't say her friends, she said my friends.


  • - Using the phrase, jump the shark, incorrectly.

    - Putting something in quotes that isn't a quote. For example, FMIL told me I "had to invite her friends." She didn't say her friends, she said my friends.

    OMG people who use unnecessary quotes crack me up. One time this restaurant we were at had something call the "fish" special. I was like umm, does that mean is kind of fish but not really??
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  • jacques27 said:

    I have so many.  But my major ones are:

    1. Rediculous.  Look, even as I type that here the auto-spell check has it underlined with a red squiggle.   You know what that red squiggle is?  It's the red squiggle of "Rediculous isn't a real f***ing word y'all."  You're not being diculous again.  It's ridiculous.  From the word ridicule, which is what I will do to you if you persist in typing rediculous.

    2. Smokers who think dousing themselves in a half bottle of perfume will cover up the smoke smell.  Actually, smokers in general.  It's not like it's up for debate anymore just how horrible smoking is for your health.  And I get it - we all have our vices and have to die from something, but do you seriously not have any concept of how putrid you smell, particularly when I'm stuck in a small enclosed space with you?

    3. This might be regional, but not using borrow/lend correctly.  As in "Can you borrow me a dollar for the vending machine?"  No.  You may borrow a dollar from me or I can lend you a dollar, but I can't borrow you a dollar.  I won't correct people's grammar usually (because that is a pet peeve as well and I do not claim to be an expert), but "borrow me" is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

    4. People who have cell phone conversations in public restrooms.  Not just ducking in by the sinks and using the phone, but actually in the stall while doing your business.  Really?  That call couldn't have waited another 90 seconds?  You couldn't ask to call them back in two minutes?

    This. And we people write wierd. NOPE. 
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  • I have so many too!

    People who have offensive body odor.

    People who talk loudly about VERY personal things, no I don't want to know your car smells like sex.

    People who think they know everything, when they know nothing.

    People who don't pull their weight, take down notes, I don't trust your memory.

    Constantly being corrected on my speech impediment.

    Having to wait on things, grades, packages, ect.  
  • lovesclimbinglovesclimbing member
    Seventh Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited April 2015
    --People picking at their fingers. H does it and it drives me bonkers. He has rough hands because he's a mechanic, and he's picking at his nails or the dry skin or whatever.  I tell him it's a really poor habit and even bought him one of those fancy cuticle nippers, and he still won't stop.  

    --Stuff shared on Facebook about Ebola inside oranges, Obama in front of a Muslim prayer curtain, getting maggots inside your tongue from licking an envelope, posting a notice so FB won't use your data, etc. without bothering to do a five-second Google search to verify it first.

    --Vaguebooking and then when people ask what's wrong, the person says I don't want to talk about it.

    --People who say they "hate drama" but their actions say they LOOOOOVE it.

    --"Alls I know," "acrost" and many other incorrectly used words/words that aren't actually words but people think they are.

    I'm sure there are more, but that's what I have right now.

    ETA: People who post identical-looking selfies every day or, worse yet, multiple times a day.  Oh, hey look, it's Jasmine in a car in a blue shirt on the way to work! Oh look, it's three more almost identical photos because she was trying to get the perfect one and for some crazy reason decided to upload all four. Oh look, it's Jasmine again in the same car, in the same blue shirt with a coffee!  Oh look, it's Jasmine in a slightly darker blue shirt in a car on the way to work. Oh look, it's Jasmine in a GREEN shirt, oooooh, aaaahhh.  

    *GAG*  I unfollowed a person on FB for that.  Fortunately, I have mostly decent friends who don't do that.
  • edited April 2015

    I have so many too!

    People who have offensive body odor.

    People who talk loudly about VERY personal things, no I don't want to know your car smells like sex.

    People who think they know everything, when they know nothing.

    People who don't pull their weight, take down notes, I don't trust your memory.

    Constantly being corrected on my speech impediment.

    Having to wait on things, grades, packages, ect.  

    I would like to add people correcting my speech impediment as well, or even people telling me my lisp is cute. I bit off my tongue almost completely, as a child, I'm pretty sure there's nothing I can do about it. I am so thankful i have people to remind me of that. Asshats
  • 4forluck said:

    My biggest pet peeve is people who try to walk into elevators before letting people already on it out.  You can't get in until the other people get out!

    And people who don't parent their children in public.  If you let your kids run around and scream at home that is one thing, but in public have some respect for other people and make sure your kids are behaving. 
    Yes! "Elevator etiquette". I also hate those people that don't know if it's going up or down until they get in, then they try to get off, only to get back in again. Make up your mind, sir. IN OR OUT!
    These people don't even know how to elevator! They're out there mashing buttons - here's a thought, if you want to go down, hit ONLY the down button. That way it won't stop there just to tease you when it's actually going up. It's not going to get there faster if you hit both buttons - it's just going to stop for you regardless of where it's headed and IF YOU DON'T ACTUALLY WANT THAT then don't fucking hit both buttons!

    So I guess this is my pet peeve...
  • New one: fuckwits who put their wet umbrellas on the seat next to them while riding the train. This jerk is getting evil glares but is still oblivious.
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  • Drivers that don't use their blinkers
    Drivers that don't understand how to merge
    Drivers that don't understand how to drive right and pass left 
    People that come into class late at the gym. And people that talk during class. 
    Also people that NEVER use the lockers at the gym. Why are you carrying around your bag and a sweatshirt EVERY DAY? 
    Co-workers that use speaker phone (none of us have offices) 
    People that drive huge vehicles and can't park them 
    People that don't return their carts at the grocery store 

    I'm sure I'll think of more. Lots of stuff annoys me. 
  • Oh, also people that let their kids run amok in a restaurant. There are servers carrying trays of hot food and liquids, and your kids are running around like maniacs. How do you not see a problem with that??? If they can't sit in their seats, you need to leave. 
  • The sound of people chewing makes me feel ill. 

    People interrupting me while I'm talking to on the phone.

  • I commute so I have many driving related pet peeves:
    - Drivers not using their cruise control
    - Drivers that don't use their blinkers
    - Drivers that cut in front of you just to turn
    - Drivers that cannot park their vehicle - or intentionally park like an asshole

    Moving on...
    - Nail biters
    - People that crowd the elevator when you're trying to get off 
    - People that walk while texting on their cell phone and aren't aware of their surroundings. 
    - People that use FAR too much perfume
    - Overtalkers/one uppers (People that "Oh, you did that, well I did this!")

    I generally live my life annoyed to some degree.

  • Time for subway pet peeves!

    - Assholes who come out of the woodwork and cut everyone waiting to get on the subway just so they can snag a seat.
    - People who lean up against a rail so that anyone standing nearby can't hold on to the rail.
    - People who don't give up their seats to pregnant ladies/old people/ people with little kids. This happens. A LOT. 
    - People who put their bags and shit on the seat next to them and leave it there while the train is crowded.
    - People who smoke butts and then immediately get on a crowded train - and I'm always the person sitting/standing next to them.
    - People who listen to music super loud and either their headphones aren't working or are sucky technology because we can all hear your stupid, annoying music.
    - People who try to exit before we're even at the stop so they make everyone around them move/get out of the way/lose their balance just so that person can be kind of closer to the door

    Bad commute today. Need coffee.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • Drivers that don't use their blinkers

    Drivers that don't understand how to merge
    Drivers that don't understand how to drive right and pass left 
    People that come into class late at the gym. And people that talk during class. 
    Also people that NEVER use the lockers at the gym. Why are you carrying around your bag and a sweatshirt EVERY DAY? 
    Co-workers that use speaker phone (none of us have offices) 
    People that drive huge vehicles and can't park them 
    People that don't return their carts at the grocery store 

    I'm sure I'll think of more. Lots of stuff annoys me. 
    People who don't merge make me SO angry. That is the biggest thing that sends me into a road-rage spiral. 
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  • peachy13 said:

    Time for subway pet peeves!

    - Assholes who come out of the woodwork and cut everyone waiting to get on the subway just so they can snag a seat.
    - People who lean up against a rail so that anyone standing nearby can't hold on to the rail.
    - People who don't give up their seats to pregnant ladies/old people/ people with little kids. This happens. A LOT. 
    - People who put their bags and shit on the seat next to them and leave it there while the train is crowded.
    - People who smoke butts and then immediately get on a crowded train - and I'm always the person sitting/standing next to them.
    - People who listen to music super loud and either their headphones aren't working or are sucky technology because we can all hear your stupid, annoying music.
    - People who try to exit before we're even at the stop so they make everyone around them move/get out of the way/lose their balance just so that person can be kind of closer to the door

    Bad commute today. Need coffee.
    When FI lived in DC, we were waiting on a train and this lady and her SO come barreling through the crowd pushing people out of the way, yelling "EXCUSE ME! WE HAVE A BABY! MOVE MOVE MOVE." I was like wtf??? That's super low pushing your way through a crowd with a baby just so you can be first. Everyone was pissed because they were like knocking people down and stuff. 
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  • I can agree with people that wear too much perfume. I hate that so much. You don't need to douse yourself. H and I were eating out once and a woman sitting next to us had so much perfume on that my food tasted like her perfume. I couldn't escape it. 
  • Can we also add cheap perfume to the list?   MIL gave DD a bottle of "perfume" about a year ago because she's just growing up so fast. 

    PLEASE DO NOT BUY CHEAP SHIT FOR MY KID!   I'm not one to demand expensive gifts but cheap perfume is nauseating.
  • edited April 2015
    People who give toys not meant for the age range of a child. The usual stuff would be toys with choking hazards to a toddler. My niece got a play makeup kit for Christmas... She was 6 months old. Why?
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