I normally have longer (below the shoulders) hair, but last summer was hot and I was into changing things up at the time and chopped it all off to my ears. It was kind of a bob/pixy compromise. I loved it for six months, repeated the same style until Christmas, but now I'm so over it and want the hairstyle back that my fiance first saw me in. It won't be as long, which is ok because I don't want to go as long again, but that's fine, as long as it's reaching to just below my shoulders. It just feels more feminine to me, and while I was having FUN with the shorter hair, I started feeling like it was ageing me (in the way of looking "too elegant" and not youuthful/cute like long hair does) and not feminine enough.
Thankfully my hair grows super fast, like almost an inch a month. It's doing well. I've recently had a trim that is heading in the direction of my old hairstyle, but it has so much growing out to do yet before it's back to a length that has the same longer, feminine feel. But it seems like no matter how fast it grows, there's a great divide between "above the shoulders" and "just below the shoulders". Suffice it to say I am never doing this again. But now.... I'm getting married like this, in August.
Hair extensions are way outside of my budget. And I can't wear a hair piece because my close friend already said "Don't wear a lie". No wigs either, I hate them and my wedding day in this area will be HOT. And I'm wearing my hair down because I am definitely NOT an updo girl. So I'm looking for ideas to make the best of what I have, in case it doesn't reach my shoulders by August. I've had way too much anxiety about this and just need a strategy to work with what little I've got. Right now it is 3.5" below my earlobe, but not yet touching my shoulders (I guess I have a long neck). It's thick but on the straight side, slight bend. I don't like the thickness and will have it thinned next time, which I think will make it look longer. I don't like the angled bob look anymore or the pixy look, and both have been hell to grow out.
Is that realistic, given the length it is now with hair that grows fast, with 5 months to go?
I'm wearing a circlet.
Thanks in advance for any ideas. xoxo