Knottie Tech Help

Collect Addresses

I used the collect addresses option so my guests can provide me with their current address.  Although some individuals were not listed with guests they are adding guests and children to their information.  How can I get it fixed so that everyone cannot list additional guets with their parties!  Please help, I want to nip it in the but before it gets out of control.

Re: Collect Addresses

  • I used the collect addresses option so my guests can provide me with their current address.  Although some individuals were not listed with guests they are adding guests and children to their information.  How can I get it fixed so that everyone cannot list additional guets with their parties!  Please help, I want to nip it in the but before it gets out of control.

    Hi there!

    Thanks for reaching out about this. Unfortunately, there is currently not a way to prevent users from adding guests but it is definitely a feature we are working on adding to the site. For now, we ask that you politely request that your guests do not add others to their parties.

    Sorry about this!

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