Knottie Tech Help

Website URL broken?

Hi @knotriley or @knotholly--

I saw that others were having problems with unique URLs in a thread on 4/16, but it's happening to me now. I can't access my site via the unique URL at all--in Internet Explorer I get a 404 error, and in Chrome I get this timeout error (edited for privacy):

The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: http://www.**********.com/

Connection to failed.

The system returned: (110) Connection timed out

The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.


This baby knows exactly how I feel

Re: Website URL broken?

  • Hey! Sorry for not getting back to you in your last thread. I'm waiting to hear back from tech right now, I'll update you as soon as I hear from them about this.

    I don't have an update for the pictures/layout issue yet, but websites being down definitely take priority so I should hear from them shortly.

    Sorry, again, about this! 
  • KnotRiley said:

    Hey! Sorry for not getting back to you in your last thread. I'm waiting to hear back from tech right now, I'll update you as soon as I hear from them about this.

    I don't have an update for the pictures/layout issue yet, but websites being down definitely take priority so I should hear from them shortly.

    Sorry, again, about this! 
    This is my priority, too! Thanks for looking into it.
    This baby knows exactly how I feel
  • Hey @KatieinBkln,

    So it looks like you're not the only one having this issue anymore, there is a delay of a few days with the domain purchasing (we've updated the FAQ to reflect this now) but tech is working on fixing and updating all of these purchased domains. I'll let you know once I hear an ETA.

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