Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Mic or no Mic?

I am getting married at a golf and country club outside on their lawn with about 120 people in attendance. The venue is very private so there wont be much interference noise. My officiant does not supply a mic, however my string duo can provide a mic and mic stand, it is not wireless, and not the kind to attach to clothing. I am worried that the mic stand will be an eye sore in pictures and the positioning of the wire so I'm just wondering if you think I will even need a mic with a crowd of 120? Suggestions!?!
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Re: Mic or no Mic?

  • I recommend it. If the wedding is outside, chances are some people won't hear the ceremony. Better to be safe than sorry. That's what my FI and I are doing.
  • You want all of your guests to be able to hear your vows. Get the mic.
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  • You can have the stand posted off the side some and just have the officiant hold the mic in a way you will all be heard on it. One thing I remember from watching four weddings there was on outdoor wedding the three judging brides commented on how they couldn't here the ceremony so they lost interest & were bored during the ceremony & when they say the bride & groom kiss, oh it's over now I guess. Also lots of the guests were talking since they couldn't hear anything.
  • I would definitely recommend getting a microphone.  I think it would be much better to have a microphone stand in a few pictures than to have guests struggle to hear what is being said.
  • We planned on using a mic, but on the day of the wedding it was just windy enough that the mic was picking up the noise of the wind, so we went without.  It worked just fine, and people in the back said they heard everything just fine.  Our officiant is used to projecting his voice to be heard, and our readers also did just fine (two of them are teachers!).    I think it's a good idea to have the mic, then make a game-time decision of whether to use it or not.
  • Another vote for a microphone. SIL got married outside at a lake and didn't have one. I was a bridesmaid and standing <10 feet away, I still couldn't hear half of what was said.
  • I had an outdoor wedding at a similar location. We had a mic, without the stand, and our officiant just held it, and then held it in front of us for our vows. It didn't look odd at all, and worked great.
    Praying for a miracle!
  • Thanks for the advice, I think you guys are right, we will def need one! And Mandi, I think we'll do just what you did! Problem solved =)
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  • definitely get a mic! if it's windy at all, people will not be able to hear anything, and then the most important part of the day is completely lost to your guests!
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