Chit Chat

Thank you Knotties

I have to thank all of the knotties on here for all of there help in helping me with all of the etiquette things, especially invitation etiquette - you know- not putting things in there that would make your guest feel uncomfortable or feel like you're only inviting them for a gift. Because I just got an invitation and I got that feeling and then some. Not only did she put where they were registered but she went further and said, "The bride and groom are also accepting monetary gifts to start their future together". Yes - I'm telling you guys my life is stranger than fiction (don't forget about my springtime bohomian fairytale thingy...) A mutual friend of ours refuses to even buy her a gift now she was so offended. I was just in awe... So thanks ladies for all of your help!

Re: Thank you Knotties

  • I think that it's so easy for people to forget what it's like to be on the receiving end of these etiquette blunders!

    I'm glad that things worked out for you, and sorry that you have to deal with this from someone else!

  • edited April 2015
    There was no etiquette violation but I got a STD a month ago from a girl I had reconnected with briefly after HS. We started dating our now fiances around the same time. I have invited her and him to a few things or suggested we all grab dinner and she always said no. So I haven't seen here in like 2 years, we don't even talk on FB, and suddenly you want me to come to your wedding? You're either showing off, want a gift, or both. I don't think we'll go- I'll might send a card. That's about it.
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