The thing that the most blew me away about the wedding planning process was how entitled people feel to be invited, without a second thought.
Between my FI and I we are now up to FIVE "friendships" apparently ended over not being invited to our wedding. All five people in question were casual friends (in all but one case, people that one or the other of us would have considered a "best friend" at a previous point in our lives- mostly high school- but who we now see only 2-3 times a year and rarely keep up with) who indicated that they were expecting to be invited and who, despite many attempts to reach out to them, have not spoken to us since finding out they weren't.
It just BLOWS MY MIND that people take this kind of thing so personally- especially considering that we only invited 50 people to our wedding so it's not like we included everyone in the world but them. Anyone else have a major fall-out over failing to invite someone?