Wedding Etiquette Forum

Should I tell someone they're not invited?

When I was first engaged, my sister was living in another state her best friend, "Amy". While I never discussed the wedding directly with Amy, I did a lot of Skype-ing with my sister (showing her the venue, the dress, etc) as I went along planning. Amy would frequently be in the room and give her opinions, etc as if she was going to be there (IE "I'm a vegetarian so make sure you have a good veggie option", that kind of thing) which I didn't dissuade.

My sister and Amy had a falling out in December, neither of us have really spoken to Amy since. While I have the space to invite her, and I do know her outside of my sister (we work for the same company, which I'll get to in a moment), I don't really want to invite her now.

A good work friend, Carly, moved departments and is now Amy's boss. As we were having our weekly catch up, Carly mentions to me "Oh, Amy was asking about taking time off for your wedding and booking her flight" I bean dipped her, but she knows when my wedding is so it's not like I can hold her off much longer.

If I tell Carly "actually we' haven't finalized the guest list" or something else bean-dippy again, it's basically saying she's not invited and it seems like a jerk move to tell her that through her boss.

Also, obviously, it's a jerk move to tell her directly "hey don't take that time off or buy flights since you're not invited sorry!"

Or I can suck it up and invite her, since I maybe made a faux pas by passively allowing her to discuss the wedding so much with us and I can see where she assumed she'd be invited.

I'm sure there's a third option here somewhere, but I'm just not seeing it. Help please! :)

Re: Should I tell someone they're not invited?

  • Of course you don't have to invite Amy. You never extended a verbal invitation. The extent of wedding talk "with" her was her butting her way into wedding conversations between you and your sister. 

    I will never understand why people assume they are invited to weddings and/or invite themselves. It blows my mind every time.

    If Carly asks again, I think you're fine to say, "Oh it sounds like Amy is confused. We're keeping the wedding on the smaller side and don't have space for extra guests."

    If Amy directly asks, "I'm sorry for any confusion, Amy. We're keeping the wedding on the smaller side. (insert subject change)"

  • When I was first engaged, my sister was living in another state her best friend, "Amy". While I never discussed the wedding directly with Amy, I did a lot of Skype-ing with my sister (showing her the venue, the dress, etc) as I went along planning. Amy would frequently be in the room and give her opinions, etc as if she was going to be there (IE "I'm a vegetarian so make sure you have a good veggie option", that kind of thing) which I didn't dissuade.

    My sister and Amy had a falling out in December, neither of us have really spoken to Amy since. While I have the space to invite her, and I do know her outside of my sister (we work for the same company, which I'll get to in a moment), I don't really want to invite her now.

    A good work friend, Carly, moved departments and is now Amy's boss. As we were having our weekly catch up, Carly mentions to me "Oh, Amy was asking about taking time off for your wedding and booking her flight" I bean dipped her, but she knows when my wedding is so it's not like I can hold her off much longer.

    If I tell Carly "actually we' haven't finalized the guest list" or something else bean-dippy again, it's basically saying she's not invited and it seems like a jerk move to tell her that through her boss.

    Also, obviously, it's a jerk move to tell her directly "hey don't take that time off or buy flights since you're not invited sorry!"

    Or I can suck it up and invite her, since I maybe made a faux pas by passively allowing her to discuss the wedding so much with us and I can see where she assumed she'd be invited.

    I'm sure there's a third option here somewhere, but I'm just not seeing it. Help please! :)
    I agree that you don't have to invite Amy.  Would you invite her to a small dinner party at your home?  Would you take her out to dinner and spend $50-100 treating her?  Since this falling out with your sister, Amy has apparently discussed your wedding with her boss, has she discussed it with you?
  • To clarify - is Carly invited?
  • Jen4948Jen4948 member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its 25 Answers
    You don't have to invite Amy, but I don't think you should discuss it with Carly, whether or not Carly is invited. Should Carly bring it up again, I'd tell her that you're not comfortable discussing the matter with her and will deal directly with Amy. And then don't invite Amy if you're not going to.
  • fyrchkfyrchk member
    250 Love Its 100 Comments First Anniversary First Answer

    I don't think you're obligated to invite her just because she chose to take part in conversations you were having with your sister that she inserted herself into. A lot of people are interested in wedding planning and will ask about it, doesn't mean the expect to be invited. And if you aren't talking to her and she's asking through a common co-worker, that's just awkward...

    Maybe say something to Carly like, "Oh, tell Amy I don't expect her to take leave and pay for a flight." That ends the convo with Carly and if Amy has the huevos, she can contact you herself.

  • She's talking to her boss about vacation time and booking flights. I think at this point you do have to directly say "Hey Amy, sorry for any confusion, but we are keeping the wedding small and you aren't invited."

    She's being presumptuous and rude but I think you shouldn't involve Carly any more at all, and Amy needs to know.
  • Thanks for all the replies & advice! I do generally agree that I don't have to invite her, and frankly I don't want to. We've spoken once or twice over the last 5 months, and not about the wedding.

    @bizzy592 Carly isn't invited, nor anyone from their department/office so I'm clear there.

    I guess at the heart of it is that I feel like no matter what I say to Carly (if I bean dip or say "yeah I'm not inviting Amy/expecting her to come"), I'm then just shifting the burden on to her to either tell Amy or let her book flights/vacation time for a wedding she's not invited to, and that seems unfair to her. Does that make sense, or am I over thinking it?

    Hopefully she just won't ask me again, lol!
  • I'm trying to figure out why she thinks she is invited. You work at the same company and never see her, don't hang out, don't grab lunch or coffee and you sister doesn't talk to her. 

    Is your wedding in a park? Is her name really Jamy?? Does she have a sister Jashley??

    I would just tell Amy, "I'm sorry for the confusion, but we are not inviting any coworkers to the wedding." I think you have to say something before she talk time off and books a flight. And it is fair to say you can't invite all your coworkers, so you aren't inviting any. Assuming you aren't.
    :kiss: ~xoxo~ :kiss:

  • Jen4948Jen4948 member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its 25 Answers

    Thanks for all the replies & advice! I do generally agree that I don't have to invite her, and frankly I don't want to. We've spoken once or twice over the last 5 months, and not about the wedding.

    @bizzy592 Carly isn't invited, nor anyone from their department/office so I'm clear there.

    I guess at the heart of it is that I feel like no matter what I say to Carly (if I bean dip or say "yeah I'm not inviting Amy/expecting her to come"), I'm then just shifting the burden on to her to either tell Amy or let her book flights/vacation time for a wedding she's not invited to, and that seems unfair to her. Does that make sense, or am I over thinking it?

    Hopefully she just won't ask me again, lol!
    I don't think that Carly has to be, or should be, a go-between between you and Amy. You can even tell her that: "Carly, if Amy has questions for me that don't relate to our work situations, I'd rather she communicates with me directly. That includes anything wedding-related."
  • Hah! I think that "jashley" thing was one of the first big threads that I read when I started reading the Knot. I doubt she'll pull that....thankfully I'm also not getting married in a public place :) 

    And yeah while I'm not SHOCKED (she's not an entire rando, she was friends with my sister for a long time and my sister and I are close), I was pretty surprised. I chatted with my sister about it and she doesn't think that she ever gave her the idea that she was invited. Alas.

    I'm hoping that my comment to Carly in the first place is enough to get me out of it; pretty much went as such :

    Carly : Anyway, Amy is asking off for time for your wedding and getting her flights booked. Are you doing a whole weekend thing? I can't believe it's so close! 

    Me : Oh!  You're doing your schedule for October already? We're still arguing over the summer here, what about the big company gathering in July, can't wait to see you, bean dip bean dip bean dip...

    Hopefully she was perceptive enough to get the point. If she asks again, I'll tell her it's between me and Amy. I already told my sister to keep an ear out if she mentions going, and if she mentions it to me I'll definitely set her straight. I feel bad about the idea of her booking a flight, but there's no much I can do if you're dumb enough to book a flight for an event you don't have a STD or invite for :|
  • Sounds like Amy invited herself. I would explain that situation to Carly and make certain she understands why you do not want to invite Amy. Also, talk to your sister and find out where she and Amy stand. If they are still on bad terms, that should be a definite NO. You and Amy were not friends anyway which is another reason why I wouldn't invite her if I were in your place. I would certainly hope Carly can understand that. People shouldn't invite themselves!
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • aquietseasonaquietseason member
    Third Anniversary 25 Love Its 10 Comments Name Dropper
    edited June 2015
    Just to give an update on this since it got weird -- about two weeks ago, Amy posted on Facebook and tagged (only) me in it about how she's coming back to New York just in time for wedding season, and my FI felt that was the last straw in "dude you need to tell her she's not invited". 

    So the follow FB chat follows (since I don't even have her personal phone # and didn't feel like asking my sister for it). And I guess that is that!

    (sh*t sorry edited because if you c&p directly from FB it links to their profile :|)

    me : hey hows it going? just wanted to give you a heads up 
    me : we're keeping the wedding small & mostly family so unfortunately we weren't able to invite everyone we wanted -- i'm so sorry if there was any confusion!

    amy : oh...haha oops

    amy : yours isn't the only wedding in october

    me : ha this is true! hope you enjoy your time back in NY. see you @ ball in july! 

  • Just to give an update on this since it got weird -- about two weeks ago, Amy posted on Facebook and tagged (only) me in it about how she's coming back to New York just in time for wedding season, and my FI felt that was the last straw in "dude you need to tell her she's not invited". 

    So the follow FB chat follows (since I don't even have her personal phone # and didn't feel like asking my sister for it). And I guess that is that!

    (sh*t sorry edited because if you c&p directly from FB it links to their profile :|)

    me : hey hows it going? just wanted to give you a heads up 
    me : we're keeping the wedding small & mostly family so unfortunately we weren't able to invite everyone we wanted -- i'm so sorry if there was any confusion!

    amy : oh...haha oops

    amy : yours isn't the only wedding in october

    me : ha this is true! hope you enjoy your time back in NY. see you @ ball in july! 

    Oh snap. Someone got their knickers slightly twisted.

  • edited June 2015
    Just to give an update on this since it got weird -- about two weeks ago, Amy posted on Facebook and tagged (only) me in it about how she's coming back to New York just in time for wedding season, and my FI felt that was the last straw in "dude you need to tell her she's not invited". 

    So the follow FB chat follows (since I don't even have her personal phone # and didn't feel like asking my sister for it). And I guess that is that!

    (sh*t sorry edited because if you c&p directly from FB it links to their profile :|)

    me : hey hows it going? just wanted to give you a heads up 
    me : we're keeping the wedding small & mostly family so unfortunately we weren't able to invite everyone we wanted -- i'm so sorry if there was any confusion!

    amy : oh...haha oops

    amy : yours isn't the only wedding in october

    me : ha this is true! hope you enjoy your time back in NY. see you @ ball in july! 

    Oh snap. Someone got their knickers slightly twisted.
    Bahahaha. How long was the delay between her "oh...haha oops" and "yours isn't the only wedding in october"? I am mentally picturing her trying to recover from the startling news that she isn't invited.

    ETF: grammar
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