So last night FI and I were talking about July 4th - he has always hosted a big party with the neighbors, big fireworks display, etc. I joked that we better not get knocked up on the honeymoon or that might make the party no fun. He goes "well we should use protection after pulling the goalie for a while anyway". I'm all huh?? He's like yea if you get pregnant right after going off birth control you can have birth defects. You need to wait a while for things to work themselves out after going off of birth control to have a health baby.
I told him I'd never heard that before and know that it can take a while for your body's cycle to work itself out but people do get pregnant right away and I've never heard of a link to birth defects. I did some googling and sent him some links to mayo clinic and planned parenthood I found and he's like well you should still ask the doctor first. SMH
Anyone else hear this before? Any other conception myths you've heard that made you say huh?!