I have one bridesmaid in my bridal party. Since I knew she would have to travel, I offered to purchase her dress. She declined my offer. I only asked that she wear a navy blue dress that she felt comfortable in. She picked her dress (and it's lovely!), purchased her flights and booked her hotel for the trip.
Now I'm getting the awkward texts about reimbursing me for hair/makeup and a few gifts I purchased. I paid for these items because she's one of my best friends and I thought it would be a nice way to thank her for standing by my side. She wants to know how much I've paid for each item so she can write me a check when she gets here. I told her not to worry about it because I wanted to buy these for her, but she has asked several times since then. I'm not sure what to think at this point. I'm letting it go, but I was wondering if anyone else has any similar experiences?
The whole wedding thing has been a unique experience with her (I've posted here before). I feel like she doesn't want to feel like she owes me anything since we've grown apart over the last few months. Our lives have changed because life happens! I don't want things to be awkward because I'm getting married, but I feel like she's mad at me for moving forward before her (she has timelines - must be married by age **, have 1st child by ** etc). I even tried to schedule a mani/pedi when she arrives and a blow out at drybar which is her favorite place, but she turned me down both times. I'm just a little confused. Any advice? I don't want to lose her as a friend just because I'm getting married.
I'm getting married this weekend, and I've finally reached the point where I can relax and just enjoy the moment. Planning has been hectic! I just hope everyone else has a good time during their visit as well.