Spoke to a childhood friend tonight. We only see each other about one a year and talk on the phone maybe quarterly (if that). At one point in time, I couldn't have imagined my wedding without her being a BM. But we've drifted as we've gotten older (now both 30), and things are different.
When I first got engaged, I asked the bridesmaids with whom I felt closest to at that time -- three cousins, my best friend, and a good friend I know here in NJ.
But as I was talking to my childhood friend tonight, I wondered: should I have asked her?
I don't want more than 5 BMs, and I do feel happy with my choice. I'm just wondering if she feels hurt ... or wondering why I didn't ask her.
Backstory: She was engaged six years ago and asked me to be a BM. Then she called off the wedding. She is engaged again but plans to elope because she has a 3-yo with this guy and hates weddings. So, there's that.
I am probably overthinking this, huh?