This could be a very long drawn out explanation, but ill shorten it for sanitys sake. So I got engaged last october, Im getting married this october. My maid of honor, aka, my sister, and my mother have been completely mia in this whole wedding planning business. At first i tried to involve them by asking little questions, trying to make them feel involved, they would either, a. ignore me completely, to my face. Or b. tell me its not their business and they would rather not discuss my wedding with me...So then I just completely gave up, Stopped asking about it, stopped talking about my wedding to them...My mom and i over the last few years have drifted apart, and although i desperately seek a relationship with my little sister, she is totally uninterested in ever having a relationship with me...when she was 16, she had a baby, and had a courthouse marriage to her husband. I supported her, and tried to make it really special for her. All of that was eclipsed by her total inadequacy to appreciate people who love her....So im not entirely surprised by her lack of enthusiasm for my wedding....The kicker. My mom and sister, completely have refused to look for dresses. My sister is my MAID OF HONOR. All my other bridesmaids ordered their dresses, and have received them already, and when i ask my sister when i can take her out to look, she makes excuses. My mom does the same. They haven't even begun looking. Also, my bridesmaids have tried contacting my sister about wedding duties, and pre wedding parties...My sister hasn't gotten back to them. Its looking like I wont even have a bachlorette party at this point. I have exhausted all of my techniques,....and yes, i have even told them, i was hurt, and how i have been the only one planning my wedding...I even had to have my fiance go to my first dress fitting with me, because i was having a panic attack, and my family wouldnt go with me. I have spent hours doing diy crafts, labeling envelopes, writing names, which i dont mind doing, but im tired of feeling alone in the process...does anyone else have a distant, uninterested family member? how do you deal with it?
P.s, a few months ago, my brother in law, re proposed to my sister, and now she is thinking of planning a second wedding. Which was actually made a big mom even announced it on facebook, with pride and grandeur!