Wedding Recap and Withdrawal

Funny things that happened on your wedding day

So ladies, what were some of the cute/funny stuff that happened on your wedding day?

For me...
1. When cutting the cake, I couldn't get the slice out so I just ended up sticking my fingers in the cake and grabbing a chunk out of it (we had cupcakes so the little cake on top was only for us).  

2. Typical bouquet toss fight (nothing brutal, but there was only like a 1/3 of the bouquet left when the battle was over).  Funnier thing is, my sister-in-law caught it after her parents (my in-laws) were shouting for her get wayyyy in the back of the group of girls. 

Re: Funny things that happened on your wedding day

  • Well, I dunno if its funny or not, but several of my husbands friends ended up hitting on and liking my sister. She is just an instant guy magnet I guess.

    When we did the cake cutting, H brother wanted me to get him good. Well, I was nice bc I thought he would be nice even though I ended up having cake everywhere. Apparently that wasn't good enough for BIL bc he snuck up behind us and got a small piece of cake and smashed it on my new husband's head. Of course our photographer captured it and it also make for some great reactions by some of our guests.
  • 1.  I got married outside.  The sun was shining.  No call for rain.  Two seconds before I began walking down the aisle, it started raining. 

    2.  About two thirds of the way through our first dance, the song just stopped.  We told the DJ that it was okay and we could be done dancing, but he insisted that he restart it.

    3.  My cousin drank half the liquor I bought for the conga line.  She then proceeded to take my bridesmaid bouquets off the head table and dance around us during a slow song.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited August 2010

    My colors were green & yellow
    i had it set where my Maid of honor was in yellow and Bm's in green,and for the guys the Best man in Green and the Gm in Yellow.Well we got our tux's from my brothers friend whos family owns Sossi Formal and he decided to ask the guy to give him an extra green vest(he was supposed to be wearing yellow)so he could trick me.When we arrived at the Venue i was so excited that i didnt even notice he was wearing the wrong color until my mother said something and then i started freaking out b/c it would have looked so awkward in pictures,just as i was about to call the tux place to throw a fit he told me he was kidding.

    When we were doing the garter toss,my husband did a little dance and the dj didnt think he was doing it good enough so he made him do it over 3 times,he was so embarrassed.

  • Hmmm not so funny at the time, but a bird pooped on my dress (thank goodness not on my hair). Somehow one of my bridesmaids got it cleaned up in the party bus, before we got back to the venue after pictures (pre-ceremony). I had seen it earlier and shrugged it off...figuring I would clean it up before the ceremony. Got back to the venue and it was gone..amazing.

    My mom had a cameo that she really wanted me to wear under my dress as my something borrowed, because it was my great great grandmother's. Well, she couldn't find it. Funny #1- I ended up borrowing a twist in sparkly hair pin from my 6 year old flower girl as my something borrowed. Funny #2- After my mom's purse being dumped multipled times that day and her hotel room being scoured top to bottom, she found the cameo pinned inside her purse once she got home. It attended the wedding in her pretty little purse, but wasn't on me.

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  • Biggest thing to me was my husband couldn't get the ring onto my ring finger!  He ended up putting it on the pinkie. 

  • Man, some of these things I would'nt have found very funny if they had happened to me.  I'm really glad you girls have a sense of humor about it all.

    Anyway, when I threw the bouquet, I threw it really high and it went over the girls heads and smacked my old and married uncle in the face so he caught it.  That was hilarious but then we had a do-over so I threw it again and it went to my maid of honor.  
  • During our cake cutting H and I promised we would be good to eachother, and we were.  A few of my little cousins realized people were eating cake and came out on the dance floor to try and get some, so I fed each of them a bite.  Then a good friend of mine yelled "hey, me too" so I grabbed another piece to bring him a bite and smashed it in his face. 

    Also, during my bouquet toss, my great grandmother, who was widowed about 2 years ago, came running out on the dance floor in front of a ton of the young girls to try and catch it.  I had no idea she was there until people told me the next day, but everyone thought it was hilarious. 
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  • My dad forgot his pants at the house so we had the people he was staying with bring them in for him.  My bridesmaids dress was taken out to much so it was to big on the wedding day lucky we have a good family friend who sewed some of it back in the day of.  The kids after a couple hours just started laying down on the dance floor.  My flower girl caught my bouquet so i borrowed it from her and took it to my maid of honor as her boyfriend caught the garter it was pretty funny because she kept trying to run away from me so she wouldn't get it.  My amid of honors mom got drunjk and fell into the dj's light luckily she and the lights were not harmed.

  • 1) during our ceremony, the mic was not close enough to DH when he started his vows.  i asked, "can you hear him?  no, well, you're going to want to hear this!"  everyone laughed and the pastor moved his mic closer.

    2) i did not realize until the DJ called to do the garter toss that i had forgotten my garter at home.  my friend ended up tying a napkin around my thigh.  when the guy caught it and started to put it on the MOH who caught the bouquet, he said, "what the h*ll is this?"  

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  • My now husband was standing waiting for me so intently when he was signaled by several members of the crowd that his fly was down!!
  • - Bugs kept flying up between the tulle layers of my skirt, the BM's would surround me, flipping up the layers on by one and brushing off the bugs every few minutes during pictures.
    - The night before the wedding I couldn't sleep worrying it would rain (everything was outdoors, rain would have severely complicated my life), so I went into the living room at 2 am, only to be joined by my brother, mom and sister within minutes. My sister bet me 10$ that it wouldn't rain, and it was the funniest thing, but that bet let me sleep. I guess I figured that if the day was ruined I would at least get ten bucks out of the deal.
    As an aside, the day was more beautiful than I could have asked for. I lost the bet and happily paid up :P

  • KTAgeeKTAgee member
    edited August 2010
    Oh boy, have to jump in on this!

    1.  My mother ripped the bottom hem of her dress about 15 minutes before the ceremony because she was dancing around a little too vigorously in the bride's room.

    2.  The church's wedding coordinator Would NOT open the doors for my girls to go through because she claimed it wasn't the right song. The girls ended up walking to silence half-way through. THEN the coordinator would not open the doors for me when my father kept telling her it was my song! She just kept arguing with us. LoL.

    3.  I forgot my man's ring in the bride's room. We didn't realize it until the pastor asked for it. Oops? Haha. It broke all of the normal wedding tension and seriousness when I turned to the audience and said, "Stand by! Can someone go get his ring from my room?" Everyone laughed. ;)

    4.  I really did not want to do a bouquet toss, but it was one of those things my paying mother insisted upon. When the DJ called for all of the single ladies to step onto the dance floor, no one stood up. The only single lady was 15 years old.
    July 24, 2010

  • 1.  We said our own vows.  My husband INSISTED we both learn them.  During the ceremony...he whipped out a post-it note and told, turned around and told our guests "I had a few too many last night, so excuse me while I read this."

    2.  I couldn't get the ring on my husband! I kept struggling so much that we all busted out laughing.  Later my husband said "you were putting it on the wrong hand."  My minister got confused because my engagement ring was on my right hand so he gave me my husband's right hand LOL.

    3. I didn't find this funny but, my guests thought it was funny because the dj messed up the music and there was such a big delay in my entrance people thought I stood him up.
  • Wow, prusgirl, coming from your last post to this one, I can see why you were so pissed at your husband during the vows. I would be pissed too if he said that right before the vows.  
  • The one I still laugh about is when we went to cut the cake the photographer gave us instructions on how to do it correctly.   I couldn't figure out why I couldn't cut into the cake until my  husband reminded me of the cardboard between the layers! There is one picture of us cutting the cake where I'm just cracking up.
  • 1) Walking down the aisle, my dad forgot to lift my veil so it was over my face the entire time, including during the unity candle lighting. I held the candle as far away as possible to keep it from lighting me on fire.
    2) My officiant forgot to have my guests sit after I finished my trip down the aisle so everyone stood. My poor great grandmother:(
    3) My officiant called my husband "Nation" during the vows and then announced that we were entering "holy macrimony" and then forgot to have us kiss. I was amused but the look on my husband's face was priceless- a mix of confusion and offense.

    After we left to a song on my road trip playlist (as we didn't get the playlist done on time... woops), "I'm on a boat" by loney island blasted over the speakers. While inapporpriate for the children in the room, still hilarious.
  • I love these!

    1. I cried all the way down the aisle, composed myself a bit, then we got onto the vows.  I started crying again when my husband repeated his vows.  Then I was fine again to say the first part of my vows, but when I was supposed to repeat "take you Pete, as my husband", I got choked up and couldn't speak.  When I finally motioned to my pastor that I needed a minute, he laughed and said he thought he had said something wrong because I wouldn't repeat him.

    2. My husband had co-best men - his brother and best friend.  His brother did the funniest speech I have ever seen!  He started out by saying how H has had tons of girlfriends (not true) and now that he was married, he needed anyone who still had a house or apartment key of his to bring it up to put on the table.  At first no one moved, then about 100 different women (and a few guys!) came up to our head table and threw keys up there that were "his".  It was absolutely hilarious - I was crying!! Turns out his brother had a basket of keys when you walked into the reception and said take one - you'll know what to do with it.  It was priceless!!

  • SarawallsSarawalls member
    edited October 2010
    Let's see...

    My hairdresser accidentally set the fire alarm off in the bridal suite with the straightening iron while she was doing my hair.  It screeched for 10 good minutes with all of waving towels and papers in front of it, trying to get it to shut off.  Then the maintanance guy came in and did the exact same thing for another 5 minutes.

    My dress got caught in the stairs to the alter and my MOH had to put her bouquet down and get on her hands and kness to unhook it.  But that is one of the many, many reasons she's my best friend!

    Hubby couldn't get my ring on my finger, either, so it stayed on my knuckle the entire rest of the ceremony until we walked back down the isle.
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