Wedding Etiquette Forum

Invite Timeline

Hi All, 
So I've been reading up on timelines of when I should have things done. I just saw on the knot that our wedding invites should go out 3 months before the wedding? is this right? My wedding is October 24th of this year what date should I have RSVP's sent back to us? I'm really hoping that the invites don't have to go out that far ahead because I still haven't finalized wording with our invite designer and it take 6 weeks for them to ship the finished product YIKES. 
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Re: Invite Timeline

  • Invites should go out between 6-8 weeks prior to your wedding date, not 3 months.

    Since your wedding is Oct 24th then you are looking at sending invites at the earliest on Aug 24th.

  • Invites should go out between 6-8 weeks prior to your wedding date, not 3 months.

    Since your wedding is Oct 24th then you are looking at sending invites at the earliest on Aug 24th.

    THANK GOD! lol I was really starting to stress out!! How early do you ask your guest to RSVP? Would putting the September 24th on the reply card be too early for a RSVP? 

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • The company we ordered our invites with suggested 1 month prior to our wedding as our RSVP date.
  • Invites should go out between 6-8 weeks prior to your wedding date, not 3 months.

    Since your wedding is Oct 24th then you are looking at sending invites at the earliest on Aug 24th.

    THANK GOD! lol I was really starting to stress out!! How early do you ask your guest to RSVP? Would putting the September 24th on the reply card be too early for a RSVP? 

    September 24th is a little early. Lots of people might not know their schedules a whole month before the event. Like if they have to get approved off for work or need to find a babysitter.

    I suggest taking the date your venue requires to have your final numbers and adding a week. Then you have about a week to hunt down any people who haven't replied. If your venue needs numbers fairly early you might end up with a late September date, but you want to give your guests as much time as you can.
  • Invites should go out between 6-8 weeks prior to your wedding date, not 3 months.

    Since your wedding is Oct 24th then you are looking at sending invites at the earliest on Aug 24th.

    THANK GOD! lol I was really starting to stress out!! How early do you ask your guest to RSVP? Would putting the September 24th on the reply card be too early for a RSVP? 

    The RSVP date really depends on when your venue/caterer needs a final headcount.  Say they want a final headcount 2 weeks before your wedding, add a week to give yourself time to follow up with anyone who forgets to RSVP, so you should set your RSVP date 3 weeks prior (Oct 3rd).

  • Invitations: 6-8 weeks before the wedding
    RSVP: a week before your caterer needs final numbers; don't exceed 3-4 weeks before the wedding.

    A note on the caterer needing final numbers - most/reasonable caterers ask for final numbers 2 weeks out, so the RSVP date is 3 weeks out (to give you a week to follow up with stragglers). Some people have posted here that their caterer wants final numbers a month or more before the wedding. That is totally unreasonable and you should push back on your caterer if they try this with you.

  • P.S. just to add: the Knot is a company that aims to make money. (Most) everything written on here is to push you to spend more money, spend sooner, etc. I've learned so much more (better) information my lurking on these boards, so much so that I don't both to read the Knot articles any more. 
  • Okay I feel so much better about this! Thanks so much for the responses! :) 
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