Hi guys so I need some solid advice. My fiances bff has hated me since the day she met me. My fiance and I have been together 10 years now and have been through our ups and downs, so every fight of course he would confide in her and wasn't very forthcoming of the entire truth to our arguments in efforts to make himself seem like the good time. I've tried many times to build some kind of relationship with this girl but she's just not receptive. In my opinion she's not even a good friend, she moved back into town a few years ago and didn't even tell him, whenever we invite her to events she never shows up. She doesn't even hangout with him anymore yet he still considers her his bff.
The point as to why I'm writing this post, is he wants to invite her to our wedding and I really don't want her there. I feel she's not been there for him at times that he needed her friendship, along with the fact that she to this day hates me why should she be allowed to come to our joyous celebration and not be happy for us. How do I go about telling my fiance without coming off as mean or inconsiderate?