Wedding Recap and Withdrawal


My wedding is coming up in July and I am worried that I will break out in hives on the day.  I frequently get hives on my face, chest, and arms when I am in a new situation or even talking with someone.  I am sure it is anxiety but sometimes I am totally comfortable with the people around me but I still break out.  I was wondering if anyone else has this issue and if so what do you do to remedy it?

TTTC since 2010 Me 32-issues r/t thin uterine lining; blocked tubes DH-35-no issue as of now March 2012 lap hysteroscopy-l tube 100% blocked; r tube 30% open May 2012 First visit to RE-started provera June 2012 HSG test l tube still blocked; started clomid July 2012 u/s f/u on clomid July 2012 changed to femara 5mg Aug 2012 started femara 5mg Sept 2012 Femara 5 mg Oct 2012 Femara 5 mg Nov 2012 repeat lap with RE tubes are clear!!! Dec 2012 Femara w/ovidrel trigger shot and iui #1 bfn Jan. 1, 2013 Femara w/ovidrel trigger shot and iui #2 bfn Jan. 16,2013 clomid 100 mg no trigger shot iui # 3 bfn Feb 2013 injectable cycle w/follistim 75iu cycle cancelled due to poor response Feb 2013 started 750 mg metaformin and Provera

Re: Hives

  • Does something like Benedryl help? If so, possibly you could take it before the ceremony and then again later when it is time for another dose.
  • Yes!  I have this same issue!  Benedryl would help sometimes but then my allergist told me to try over-the-counter Zrytec and it works great!  Makes you a little drowsy, but I'd take that over hives on my wedding day!

  • I take claritin daily for that.  My dr. recommended an anti-histimine...and it worked great.  Claritin doesn't make you drowsy.
  • I always break out in hives in nervous situations. I was so calm the entire day leading up to the ceremony but the minute I started walking down the aisle, I got extremely nervous! My sister saw red appear on my arm and asked my mom what it was. My mom didn't see it at frist. My sister started to get scared because about 2 minutes later, it was getting bigger and my entire arm and neck was red. My mom had to calm her down saying it's hives. Luckily my photographer photoshopped them out. However all the pictures my friends took, yoiu can see them!

    I agree with PP's. Claratin may help. I don't know how you would test it before hand, unless you put yourself in a stressful situation.
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • This happened to me the day of the wedding. When I get nervous I get all red and it happened as I walked up the aisle. It finally went away though.
    Anniversary Photobucket
  • I had hives of undertermined origin for 2 years. I used zyrtec each night before bed and it helped keep them under control.
    My suggestion is the take the zyrtec or any antihistimine daily at bedtime for a few weeks leading up to the wedding. This may or may not help but letting the antihistimine build up in your system will geve you a good start.
    I never took it in the daytime, and the added bonus was great sleep.
    Good Luck, my hives disappeared as mysteriously as they appeared after 2 years.
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